筷子兄弟 父親 english translation

筷子兄弟 父親 song lyrics
筷子兄弟 父親 translation
chopstick brother


总是向你索取 却不曾说谢谢你
I always ask your understanding, but i never said thank you
直到长大以后才懂 得你不容易
Until i grow up i just understand its wasnot easy for you
每次离开总是装作 轻松的样子
everytime i leave, you always pretend as is easy
微笑着说回去吧 转身泪湿眼底
Smile gently and told me to go, and turn back with tears

多想和从前一样 牵你温暖手掌
Really hope to childhood past to hold your warm hand
可是你不在我身旁 托清风捎去安康
But you r not longer with me. May the wind bring you peace and health

时光时光慢些吧 不要再让你变老了
time please be slowly, so you wont being old
Im willing to give everything so you can live longer
一生要强的爸爸 我能为你做些什么
Dad who always push me to be better, what can i do for you?
Please accept my care even it can be compared with yours

谢谢你做的一切 双手撑起我们的家
Thanks for everyhing you had done for our family
always do the best you can for me
我是你的骄傲吗 还在为我而担心吗
Am i be your proud? Or you still worry for me?
The child you always care for has grown up

多想和从前一样 牵你温暖手掌
Really hope to childhood past to hold your warm hand
可是你不在我身旁 托清风捎去安康
But you r not longer with me. May the wind bring you peace and health

时光时光慢些吧 不要再让你变老了
time please be slowly, so you wont being old
Im willing to give everything so you can live longer
一生要强的爸爸 我能为你做些什么
Dad who always push me to be better, what can i do for you?
Please accept my care even it can be compared with yours

谢谢你做的一切 双手撑起我们的家
Thanks for everyhing you had done for our family
always do the best you can for me
我是你的骄傲吗 还在为我而担心吗
Am i be your proud? Or you still worry for me?
The child you always care for has grown up

时光时光慢些吧 不要再让你变老了
time please be slowly, so you wont being old
Im willing to give everything so you can live longer
我是你的骄傲吗 还在为我而担心吗
Am i be your proud? Or you still worry for me?
The child you always care for has grown up

Thanks for being with me along the way 😊