鍾嘉欣 死症 english translation

鍾嘉欣 死症 song lyrics
鍾嘉欣 死症 translation
季節已漸凍 不敢吹冷風 越睡越累 誰敢再放鬆
The season is getting cold. I don't dare to stay in the cold wind. The more I sleep, the more tired I get. Who could dare be more lax?
病床上 捉緊你 無從振作方感到 在潛伏 的心痛
On my sickbed, holding you. I couldn't put myself together, but I could feel latent heartache

病到想要死 奄奄一息慘過死
I'm so sick that I want to die. Gasping for air is worse than death.
傷風咳嗽併發失戀的痛苦 令我不爭氣
The concurrence of cold, cough, and pain of being jilted makes me have no energy to fight.
成藥吃了 很口渴 潛意識更想念你
After taking the medicine, I'm so thirsty. I'm missing you even more subconsciously.
How could people without a serious illness realize they need to live healthy?

試藥試到死 一早消失急救時機
I'm sick of trying new medicines. The moment of critical care has passed
心一死怎麼醫也好 誰還有心 體貼入微
It doesn't matter how a dead heart is being treated. Who would care and be considerate
已睡到雙腳失去力氣 迷糊地失去你 會更易忘記
I've already lost strength in my legs. Losing you while my mind is muddled would make it easier to forget
the bitterness of my tears

各有各病痛 交叉感染中 越睡越累 情感中了風
Everyone is ill in their own way, among the cross-infections. The more I sleep, the more tired I get. A stroke to my emotion
病情是 多麼重 人麻醉了都知道 後遺像 心絞痛
The condition is serious. Those who have been numbed know. that the aftermath is like chest pain

病到想要死 奄奄一息慘過死
I'm so sick that I want to die. Gasping for air is worse than death.
傷風咳嗽併發失戀的痛苦 令我不爭氣
The concurrence of cold, cough, and pain of being jilted makes me have no energy to fight.
成藥吃了 很口渴 潛意識更想念你
After taking the medicine, I'm so thirsty. I'm missing you even more subconsciously.
How could people without a serious illness realize they need to live healthy?

試藥試到死 一早消失急救時機
I'm sick of trying new medicines. The moment of critical care has passed
心一死怎麼醫也好 誰還有心 體貼入微
It doesn't matter how a dead heart is being treated. Who would care and be considerate
已睡到雙腳失去力氣 迷糊地失去你 會更易忘記
I've already lost strength in my legs. Losing you while my mind is muddled would make it easier to forget

其實這 絕症拖延如今 我都置之不理
Actually, this terminal illness has drawn out up to now. I completely ignored it.
病已到膏肓 怎醫也無用
The illness is now incurable. All treatments are useless.

病到想要死 奄奄一息慘過死
I'm so sick that I want to die. Gasping for air is worse than death.
傷風咳嗽並發失戀的痛苦 令我不爭氣
The concurrence of cold, cough, and pain of being jilted makes me have no energy to fight.
成藥吃了 很口渴 軟弱更歇斯底裡
After I take my medicine, I'm so thirsty. The weakness makes me hysterical
How could people without a serious illness realize they need to live healthy?

試藥試到死 都醫不好感情難抱緊你
I'm sick of trying medicines. The emotions won't get any better and there's no way to embrace you
打針拖一拖也好 仍然撐不到你別離
I might as well delay the shots, but I couldn't hold out until you left
已睡到雙腳失去力氣 迷糊地失去你 會更易忘記
I've already lost strength in my legs. Losing you while my mind is muddled would make it easier to forget
the bitterness of my tears