Anahi Amnesia english translation

Anahi Amnesia song lyrics
Anahi Amnesia translation
Mi corazón se deshace
My heart is tearing apart
Mi pulso se desanima
My pulse is slowing down
Cargo un pesado equipaje
I'm carrying a heavy weight
Recuerdos que contaminan
Memories that contaminate
Tu ausencia es una tormenta
Your absence is a storm
Que arrasa con mi alegría
That razes with my happiness
Soy una lágrima seca
I'm a dry tear
Soy una rama caída
I'm a fallen branch
Y lo más triste de todo
And the saddest of it all
Es aceptar que mis labios
Is to accept that my lips
Tus besos mendigan
Beg for your kisses
Y lo más triste de todo
And the saddest of it all
Es que no vuelves, no vuelves
Is that you won't come back, won't come back
Te vas y me olvidas
You leave and forget me
Como si me hubiera amado
Like if you been love me
Y mi nombre se hubiera borrado
And my name would have been erased
Como si una vez me hubieras escrito
As if once you had written to me
Y tu pluma me hubieras tachado
And your pen woul strike me
Como si tu cuerpo tuviera
As if your body had
Toda la memoria vacía
All empty memory
Como se cruzaras la puerta
Like if you will cross the door
Y sin ti cerrara la vida
And without you it will close the life
Quien de mi te habrá curado
Who among you has healed me
Y embriagado de anestesia
And intoxicated with anesthesia
Como se tuvieras amnesia
Like if you will have amnesia
Oh oh
Oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh

Que pienso en sombras de noche
I think of night shadows
Te sueño empeña de día
Your dream persists during the day.
Si me levanto del suelo
If I get up off the ground

Tu voz retoma y me enclina
Your voice picks up and inclines me

Y lo más triste de todo
And the saddest of it all
Es aceptar que mis labios
Is to accept that my lips
Tus besos mendigan
Beg for your kisses
Y los mas triste de todo
And the saddest of it all
Es que no vuelves, no vuelves
Is that you won't come back, won't come back
Te vas y me olvidas
You leave and forget me
Como si me hubieras amado
Like if you been love me
Y mi nombre si hubiera borrado
And my name would have been erased
Como si una vez me hubieras escrito
As if once you had written to me
Y tu pluma me hubiera tachado
And your pen woul strike me
Como si tu cuerpo tuviera
As if your body had
Toda la memoria vacía
All empty memory
Como se cruzaras la puerta
Like if you will cross the door
Y sin ti cierrara la vida
And without you it will close the life
Quien de mi te habrá curado
Who among you has healed me
Y embriagado de anestesia
And intoxicated with anesthesia
Como se tuvieras amnesia
Like if you will have amnesia
Oh oh
Oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh
Amnesia oh oh