Angham Ana Aysha Hala english translation

Angham Ana Aysha Hala song lyrics
Angham Ana Aysha Hala translation
انا عايشة حالة مش عارفة ايه اخرها
I'm living a phase that i don't know where it is gonna end
مش عايزة حاجة من الدنيا تانى غيرها
I want nothing from life but it
عايشة وخلاص مش عارفة ايه هيجري
I only live and i don't know what's gonna happen
ولا عندى اى فكرة بكره مخبيلنا ايه
And i have no idea what tommorow is hiding for us

بتكون معايا بنسي اسمى ومكانى
When you're with me i forget my name and place
وبقول كفايا لحظة تعيشها عشانى
And i say it's enough you're living a moment for me
احساسى بيك بالعالم واللى فيه
My feelings to you is the world to me
دى ليالى كنت بحلم بيك فى خيالى
There were nights that i dreamt of you in my mind
وم النهاردة بقيت قدامى يبقي افكر ليه
And today you're here then why to dream?
ياحبيبى لحظة جنبك بالعمر ده كله
Oh, Darling a moment with you is a lifetime
انت بس اللى بحب اقوله على اللى حاسة انا بيه
You're the only one i wante to tell about what i feel

خليك معايا م الدنيا حبيبى خدنى
Stay with me and take me from life
ماانت حبيبى ومكانك هو حضنى
As long as you're my lover and your place is in between my arms
والعمر ايه ده يادوب بنعيشه مره
And what is life? we only live it once
ومعاك انا ببقي حرة مبخافش من السنين
And with you i'm free and not afraid of life
خد منى روحى خد كل حاجة فيا
Take my soul and everything
مش عايزة حاجة غير بس اللحظة ديا
I want nothing but this moment
مش فارقة روحى معاك ياحبيبي لفين
I don't care where i'm going with you
دى ليالى كنت بحلم بيك فى خيالى
There were nights that i dreamt of you in my mind
والنهاردة بقيت قدامى يبقي افكر ليه
And today you're here then why to dream?
ياحبيبى لحظة جنبك بالعمر ده كله
Oh, Darling a moment with you is a lifetime
انت بس اللى بحب اقوله على اللى حاسة انا بيه
You're the only one i wante to tell about what i feel