Angham Bahtag Atkalem english translation

Angham Bahtag Atkalem song lyrics
Angham Bahtag Atkalem translation
انا كل ما احتاج اتكلم
Every time i need to talk
مع حد قلبي بيرتاحلو
With someone my heart feels safe with him
يطلع كمان هو أتألم
I found that he is in pain too
ملحقش اكمل و اشرحله
I can't complete and tell him
انا كل ما احتاج اتكلم
Every time i need to talk
مع حد قلبي يرتاحلو
With someone my heart feels safe with
يطلع كمان هواتألم ملحقس اكمل و اسرحله
I found that he is in pain too and i can't complete and tell him

حصله نفس اللي حصلي
What happened to me also happened to him
احكي و هو يكملي
I tell and he tells
و بدل ما اشكيله حالي
And instead of telling him my problems
يفضل يشكي بدالي
He tells me his problems
و اقوله كلام
And i tell him words
يا سلام يا سلام
Ohh yesss
لو اقولو لنفسي و اتعلم
If i told myself these words and learn from it

كتر الكلام
The much we talk
ولا رايح حد
Didn't comfort anyone
و لا عمره خلى الجرح يروح
And it never let the hurts gone
و كلنا نصحك على بعض
And all of us laughs about each others
مجروح و راح ينصح مجروح
A hurted person is telling another hurted person some words to be fine
و انا اللي بشكي مم اللي انا فيه
And me telling everyone what hurts me
و اقول لغيري قال يعمل ايه
And telling everyone else what to do
و اقوله كلام
And i tell him words
يا سلام يا سلام
Ohh yesss
لو اقوله لنفسي و اتعلم
If i tell my self those words and learn !