Aventura Te Invito english translation

Aventura Te Invito song lyrics
Aventura Te Invito translation

Disculpe la molestia, pero tengo que expresarme
Sorry for the inconvenience, but I have to express myself
Esta amistad me agrada pero exijo un poco mas.
This friendship pleases me but I demand a little more.
Siempre he sido sincero y hablo lo que siento.
I've always been honest and I also say what I feel.
Cogere el atrevimiento aunque me vaya a cachetear.
I'll take the audacity even if I'm going to slap myself.

Pongame atencion si a usted le gusta el sexo.
Pay attention if you like sex.
Le invito a una Aventura no se arrepentira.
I invite you to an Adventure you will not regret.
Yo traigo proteccion usted traiga su cuerpo.
I bring protection you bring your body.
De viernes a domingo yo la quiero utilizar.
From Friday to Sunday I want to use it.

Yo no quiero hablar de amor
I do not want to talk about love
Dime que te excita, y tu posicion.
Tell me what excites you, and your position.
Sere el maestro, mi casa la escuela
I will be the teacher, my house the school
Preparate bien y aprende cosas nuevas.
Prepare well and learn new things.

Que lindo cuerpo tienes acuestalo en mi cama.
What a nice body you have lying on my bed.
Pide lo que tu quieres que te empiezo a acariciar.
Ask what you want me to start caressing you.
No mires el reloj, olvidate del tiempo.
Do not look at the clock, forget about time.
No dañes la ocasion y apaga el celular.
Do not damage the occasion and turn off the phone.
Ninguno somos niños, y esto no es un delito.
We are not children, and this is not a crime.
Si de algo nos acusan riete que yo hare igual.
If they accuse us of something they laugh that I will do the same.

Mi capacidad no es a mi manera
My ability is not my way
Si te gusta suave lo hago como quiera
If you like soft I do it as I want
Cuidao' y piensa que lo malo es bueno
I take care 'and think that bad is good
Preparate pa la gozadera.
Prepare for the enjoyment.

Yo te fui muy claro, te dije lo que quiero.
I was very clear, I told you what I want.
En este mundo falta mas personas como yo.
In this world, more people like me are missing.
Disfruta del momento que aqui no hay secretos
Enjoy the moment that here there are no secrets
Si Dios te dio ese cuerpo uso le tienes que dar.
If God gave you that body use you have to give him.

Yo no hablo mucho, ni regalo oro
I do not speak much, nor gold gift
Y pa' conseguirte Mami lo hago solo.
And to get you Mami I do it alone.
No soy Hudini yo no se de magia
I'm not Hudini, I do not know about magic
Pero tengo trucos y pocas palabras.
But I have tricks and few words.
Piensalo bien te invito a mi cama
Think well I invite you to my bed
Regreso orita, suena la guitarra.
I return orita, the guitar sounds.

Le gusta mi bachata amiguita... Bananas
He likes my little bachata ... Bananas
Anoche tuve un sueño, soñe que te apretaba.
Last night I had a dream, I dreamed that I squeezed you.

Moje mi almohada, mal pensaa' por el sudor.
Wet my pillow, bad think 'by the sweat.
Acaricie tu cuello y luego te besaba.
Cherish your neck and then kiss you.
Y la temperatura en tu cuerpo a 110.
And the temperature in your body to 110.
Y luego yo me vine, me vine a dar de cuenta
And then I came, I came to realize
Que solo ha sido un sueño y tuve que despertar.
That it has only been a dream and I had to wake up.
Ay Mami no seas asi que yo me enfogono
Oh, Mommy, do not be like that, I'm in love
Si me vas a dar un chin Mami hame coro.
If you are going to give me a chin Mami hame chorus.
Chamaquita de mi no vas a escapar
Little girl of me you will not escape
Este juego Romeo te va a ganar.
This game Romeo is going to win you.
Apuesto dinero te voy afixiar
I bet money I'll smother you
Y de una forma buena te voy a castigar.
And in a good way I'm going to punish you.
Mi lengua en tu piel va a navegar.
My tongue on your skin will navigate.
Hasta que grite hay Papi no puedo mas
Until I scream there's Daddy I can not anymore
Homey, Invitala que ella va
Homey, invite her to go
Do you accept?