Bok van Blerk Land Van Melk En Heuning english translation

Bok van Blerk Land Van Melk En Heuning song lyrics
Bok van Blerk Land Van Melk En Heuning translation
Elke keer as die wolke val die reën op die grond hy't van ons geleen
Every time that the stormclouds thunder, the rain falls on the ground just loaned to us
Voel ‘n weer soos ‘n spook want jy staan aleen
You feel like a ghost again because you stand alone
In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey

Jy weet ek sal vir jou ‘n spoorweg lyn wil bou
You know I would like to build a railway line for you
Wat strek van ver uit die noorde sande
That stretches from far out in the north sands
Tot in die ou karoo
Into the old Karoo

Ek sal jou veilig hou
I will keep you safe
Maar wie kan ek vertrou
But who can I trust
Jy weet ons kan nie so verloor nie
You know we can't lose like this!
Dit is nie wat ek wil hoor nie
This is not what I want to hear

Elke keer as die wolke val die reën op die grond hy't van ons geleen
Every time that the stormclouds thunder, the rain falls on the ground just loaned to us
Voel ‘n weer soos ‘n spook want jy staan aleen
You feel like a ghost again because you stand alone
In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey

Jy kyk vir my maar jou oë is leeg
You look at me but your eyes are empty
En jou voete staan stil
And your feet are standing still
Jy moet dan beweeg
You have to keep on moving
Jy is afgebreek, en nou sê my waar's
You are preached into being soft/complacent, and now tell me where's
Die land van melk en heuning
The land of milk and honey

Daar woorde van ons gevat
Things are taken from us
En ons regte word geskenk
And our rights are dismissed/overridden
Daar word gedink dat wat ons oor het
It is thought that what we have left
Het ons gekry maar net
We just got/received like that (for nothing)

En daar was bloed voor gesweet
And there was blood sweated before
Gaan nou lewens ons eet
Are we going to eat lives now?
Moet ons nou stry vir ons eie mensereg
Do we have to fight for our own human rights
Dit word so gou vergeet
It is so quickly forgotten!

Elke keer as die wolke val die reën op die grond hy't van ons geleen
Every time that the stormclouds thunder, the rain falls on the ground just loaned to us
Voel ‘n weer soos ‘n spook want jy staan aleen
You feel like a ghost again because you stand alone
In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey

Jy kyk vir my maar jou oë is leeg
You look at me but your eyes are empty
En jou voete staan stil
And your feet are standing still
Jy moet dan beweeg
You have to keep on moving
Jy is afgebreek, en nou sê my waar's
You are preached into being soft/complacent, and now tell me where's
Die land van melk en heuning
The land of milk and honey

In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey
Van die land van melk en heuning
(of the land of milk in honey) *softly, x4
In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey

Elke keer as die wolke val die reën op die grond hy't van ons geleen
Every time that the stormclouds thunder, the rain falls on the ground just loaned to us
Voel ‘n weer soos ‘n spook want jy staan aleen
You feel like a ghost again because you stand alone
In die land van melk en heuning
In the land of milk and honey

Jy kyk vir my maar jou oë is leeg
You look at me but your eyes are empty
En jou voete staan stil
And your feet are standing still
Jy moet dan beweeg
You have to keep on moving
Jy is afgebreek, en nou sê my waar's
You are preached into being soft/complacent, and now tell me where's
Die land van melk en heuning
The land of milk and honey