Bok van Blerk Vroumens english translation

Bok van Blerk Vroumens song lyrics
Bok van Blerk Vroumens translation
Sy kon verf met haar oe,
She could paint with her eyes
sy kon met haar mond toor
She was magic with her mouth
Sy was perfek vir my
She was perfect for me

Sy het gewerk vir haar geld
She worked for her money
Sy kon boor, sy kon weld
She could drill, she could weld
Mooi na haarself gekyk
Took care of herself

Sy was ‘n dame wat bloos as sy skaam is
she was a lady, and when she shy she blushes
En sy kon vloek as sy kwaad is.
and she swore when she got mad

Mense praat van ‘n droomvrou
People talk about a dreamgirl
‘n houvrou en ‘n trouvrou
a keepgirl and a marriagegirl
een wat haar man verstaan
one that understands her man
dis ‘n vrou wat jy net in stories kry
its a girl you only get in the movies
maar in my oe vroumens is dit jy.
but in my eyes girl that's you

Dis toe ek jou ontmoet in daai verlate kroeg in Bloemfontein
its wehn i met you, in the deadbeat bar in Bloemfontein
Het jou gevra wats jou naam, en toe antwoord jy skaam
asked you for your name, and you answered shy
Jy kon nie woorde kry.
you couldn't find the words

Sy was ‘n dame wat bloos as sy skaam is
she was a lady, and when she shy she blushes
En sy kon vloek as sy kwaad is.
and she swore when she got mad

Mense praat van ‘n droomvrou
People talk about a dreamgirl
‘n houvrou en ‘n trouvrou
a keepgirl and a marriagegirl
een wat haar man verstaan
one that understands her man
dis ‘n vrou wat jy net in stories kry
its a girl you only get in the movies
maar in my oe vroumens is dit jy.
but in my eyes girl that's you