Burgerkill Penjara Batin english translation

Burgerkill Penjara Batin song lyrics
Burgerkill Penjara Batin translation
Sulit tuk ungkapkan beban pikiran
It is difficult to express the burden of the mind
Mati terbelenggu angan-angan
Dead shackled by wishful thinking
Terkunci erat tanpa bisa berontak
Locked tight without being able to revolt
Aku terlahir cacat di jiwa
I was born deformed in the soul

Umpat diri ini setan iblis neraka
Umpat this self demon devil hell
Mencakar muka luapkan hati nurani
Scratching face is a conscience
Kesepian ini adalah penderitaan
This loneliness is suffering
Butakan hati nurani
Wear a conscience

Mendung kelabu gores pilu
Cloudy gray scratch
Hancur luluh tak berbentuk
Destroyed unformed

Penjara batin Umpat diri
Prison inner self
Penjara batin Umpat hati
Umpat inner prison hearts

Putus asa tiada tara
Desperate unbearable
Siksa batin gores jiwa
The soul's torment
Nyalang hitam gurat sesal
Black machete resentful
Gelap malam hilangkan akal
Darkness wake up the mind