Burgerkill Sakit Jiwa english translation

Burgerkill Sakit Jiwa song lyrics
Burgerkill Sakit Jiwa translation
Jiwaku terperangkap dalam sekam dan tak pernah lepas
My soul is trapped in the chaff and never loose
Biar hancur jadi kotoran ludahi aku bukan manusia
Let it be crushed so spit I'm not human
Kotor aku terlahir tercampak aku terbuang
Dirty I was born I was wasted
Meratap gores sesal di jiwa ku terpuruk bagai anjing tanah
Wailing a scratch of sorrow in my soul sank like a ground dog
Sakit dan tak terobati berkarat aku dilaknat
Sick and rusted irreverent I was cursed

Sakit jiwa, Aku memang sakit jiwa!
Sick of the soul, I am sick soul!

Siksa sampai liang lahat
Torture to the grave
Mana siksaan yang paling laknat?
Which is the most curse of torture?
Penat terhimpit beban hati
Deep squeezed heart load
Putus asa tiada batas
Excessive despair
Rapuh tak pernah berarti
Brittle never means
Diri ini semakin meracau
This self is getting ridiculous
Hilang segala mimpi
Missing all dreams
Kandaskan segala harapan
Confirm all expectations
