Café Tacvba Hola Adios english translation

Café Tacvba Hola Adios song lyrics
Café Tacvba Hola Adios translation
Pretende que soy tu padre, tu hermano, tu abuelo, los
Pretend that I'm your father, your brother, your grandfather, the
Modos de tu amante, los ojos de tu hijo. Tú serás mi esposa, mi hermana, mi madre. Te veo como vecina, vecina del alma mía, y en este preciso instante que
manners of your lover, the eyes of your son. You will be my wife, my sister, my mother. I see you as a neighbor, neighbor from my soul, and in this precise moment that
El piso se nos termina, perdónme, pideme perdón
the floor is running out for us, forgive me, ask my pardon
Tomémonos de la mano y soltémonos, aliviémonos
Let's hold hands and let loose, let's get relieved
Hola, adios...
Hello, goodbye