Dani Martin Mi Lamento english translation

Dani Martin Mi Lamento song lyrics
Dani Martin Mi Lamento translation
Solo queda mi lamento
Only my cry remains
Y decir: te quiero de verdad,
And say: I really love you
solo queda que aún te siento
Only remains that I still feel you
y que siempre te voy a recordar.
And that I will always remember you.

Muero si no estás, y ya no estás...
I die if you're not, and you're not ...
Te pierdo y te me vas
I lose you and you leave me
Te fuiste ya.
You left already.

Porque ya no te tengo
Because I do not have you anymore
eras mi vida y ya no estás,
You were my life and you're not there anymore.
y sé que ya no estas.
And I know that you are no longer.
que me castigue el cielo por si algo hice mal
To punish me heaven in case I did something wrong
y sé que ya no estas
And I know that you are no longer.
te llevo tan tan dentro que ni el tiempo barrera
I take you so far inside that neither the time barrier
y no se va a curar
And will not heal
y es que ya no te tengo y perdón por si no te supe amar.
And it is that I no longer have you and I forgive you if I did not know you love.

Hoy me quedan tus momentos,
I have your moments today
eres la cara mas bonita que habrá...
You are the most beautiful face there will be
Tenerte cerca ha sido el premio
Having you close has been the prize
el más grande que he llegado a alcanzar.
The biggest I've ever reached.

Me muero si no estás
I'll die if you're not
y ya no estás
And you're not
te pierdo y te me vas
I lose you and you leave me
te fuiste ya.
You left already.

Porque ya no te tengo
Because I do not have you anymore
eras mi vida y ya no estás
You were my life and you're not there anymore.
y se que ya no estas
And I know you are not
que me castigue el cielo por si algo hice mal
To punish me heaven in case I did something wrong
y se que ya no estás...
And I know you're not ...
te llevo tan tan dentro que ni el tiempo barrera
I take you so far inside that neither the time barrier
y no se va a curar
And will not heal
es que ya no no tengo y perdón por si no te supe amar.
Is that I no longer do not have and I forgive you if I did not know you love.

Siempre pienso aunque estés lejos
I always think even if you are far
y te juro que te puedo ayudar
And I swear I can help you
Cerca quedaran tus gestos
Your gestures will remain
y tu carita de princesa, mi hermana.
And your little princess face, my sister.

Me muero si no estás,
I'll die if you're not
y ya no estás...
And you're not
te pierdo y te me vas
I lose you and you leave me
te fuiste ya.
You left already.

Porque ya no te tengo eras mi vida y ya no estás
Because I no longer have you my life and you are no longer
y si que ya no estás
And if you are not
que me castigue el cielo si algo hice mal
May heaven punish me if I did something wrong
y si que ya no estás
And if you are not
te llevo tan tan dentro que ni el tiempo barrera
I take you so far inside that neither the time barrier
y no se va a curar
And will not heal
y es que ya no te tengo y perdón por si no te supe amar.
And it is that I no longer have you and I forgive you if I did not know you love.