Duelo Más Que Nunca english translation

Duelo Más Que Nunca song lyrics
Duelo Más Que Nunca translation
Sabiendo que dudas en volver
knowing that you don't want to return
me sobran los motivos y es mi culpa
i know the reasons and it is my fault
no lo niego lo siento te falle
I do not deny it. I'm sorry I fail you
ahora comprendo mas que ayer
now I understand more than yesterday
que eres lo mejor que existe dentro de mi vida
that you are the best thing that exists in my life
lo tienes que saber
you have to know it
aseptalo tu llanto es derramado tambien me has extrañado
accept it. your challenge has spilled. you have also forgotten me
tambien estas pensando que quieres regresar
also you are thinking that you want to come back
hoy voy amarte mas que nunca corazon
today I am going to love you more than ever heart
voy a entregarte un mar entero de pasion
I am going to bring you an entire sea of passion

todo mi mundo te regalo
all my world I give you
caminaremos de la mano
let us walk hand in hand
esque sin ti no se vivir no se quien soy
without you I don't know how to live. I don't know who I am
hoy voy a darte mas que nunca mi calor
today I am going to give you more than ever my warmth
para que vuelvas a creer en el amor
so that you return to believe in love
voy a sanarcon mi cariño las cicatrises que eh causado
I am going to heal with my care the scars that I have caused
voy a probarte que por ti yo soy mejor
I am going to prove to you that I am better for you
ahora comprendo mas que ayer
now I understand more than yesterday
que eres lo mejor existe dentro de mi vida
you are the best thing that exists in my life
lo tienes que saber.
you have to know it