Girls' Generation TOP SECRET english translation

Girls' Generation TOP SECRET song lyrics
Girls' Generation TOP SECRET translation
Listen up 기가 차 정말 솔깃해 내미는 증거
Listen up, I'm really dumbfounded The evidence you have is tempting
한참 동안 날 쫓아 미행한
You shadowed me for a long time
널 다시 봤어 왠지 네가 서먹서먹
Looking at you twice you seem quite awkward

넌 나 몰래 뒤를 캤지 나의 Privacy
You went behind my back and snooped around
자꾸 왜 들춰 지겨워
Why do you keep going through my privacy, I'm sick of it

나를 향해 내민 돋보기
Magnifying glass toward me
사랑으로 포장된 Hysterie
The hysterie wrapped as love
Oh no 겁 없이 많이 알면 다쳐
Oh no, if you fearlessly know too much, you'll get hurt
Top Top Top Secret
Top top top secret

누구와 만나서 놀든 머리 Style 어디서 하든
Whoever I meet and play with Wherever I got my hair style done
다 털어봐 먼지 하나 안나
You can try but you won't find anything on me
난 자유롭게 숨쉬는 게 소원 소원
To breath freely is my wish, wish

거짓 정보를 제공했지
I revealed false information
여잔 적당히 감춰야 훨씬 새롭게
Girls need to hide well in order to look new

네 눈앞엔 언제나 빛나지
I'm always shining in your eyes
무결점의 완벽한 Mystery
A perfect mystery without any flaws
Oh boy 나 없이 풀어야 할 숙제
Oh boy, it's a homework to be solved without me
Top Top Top Secret
Top top top secret

너 안볼 땐 긴장 풀고 있어
When you're not looking, I'm relaxed a bit
네가 없을 땐 성격도 좀 있고
When you're not there, I have some personality
(너 몰래) 네가 모르게 한눈 판 적 있어
(Without you knowing) I sometimes don't pay attention
(너 몰래) 너와 만날 때 단점 싹 지웠어
(Without you knowing) I erase my defaults when I meet you

그만둬 check check check check
Stop it Check check check check
check check check check
Check check check check

조금 속였지만 속 끓고 짜릿한
I tricked you a bit but this upsetting and exciting
밀고 당김은 사랑의 마스터플랜
Push and pull game is the master plan of love
너의 그 조급함 다 알아 걱정 마
I know your hastiness very well, don't worry
나의 비밀은 조금씩 꺼내줄게
I will take out my secrets little by little

나를 향해 내민 돋보기
Magnifying glass toward me
사랑으로 포장된 Hysterie
The hysterie wrapped as love
Oh no 겁 없이 많이 알면 다쳐 Top Top Top
Oh no, if you fearlessly know too much, you'll get hurt Top top top

여전히 네 눈앞엔 언제나 빛나지
As usual I'm always shining in your eyes
무결점의 완벽한 Mystery
A perfect mystery without any flaws
Oh boy 나 없이 풀어야 할 숙제
Oh boy, it's a homework to be solved without me
Top Top Top Secret
Top top top secret