Juan Gabriel Me Gustas Mucho english translation

Juan Gabriel Me Gustas Mucho song lyrics
Juan Gabriel Me Gustas Mucho translation
Yo no he perdido la esperanza
I have not lost hope
de tenerte entre mis brazos
To have you in my arms
y es el día ha de llegar
And that day has to come

desde hace mucho tiempo que me gustas
I've liked you for a long time
y lo que me gusta mucho lo obtengo
And what I like a lot I get it
con toda seguridad

yo no he perdido la esperanza
I have not lost hope
de que un día tu me quieras
Of what one day you love me
y algun día me querrás
And someday you will love me

tarde o temprano seras mia
sooner or later you will be mine
yo sere tuyo algun día
I will be yours some day
y lo tengo que lograr
And I have to achieve it

que conste amor que ya te lo advertí que no
That is the love that I already warned you that no
descansaré hasta que seas mía nomas
I'll rest until you're mine
pues tu me gustas de hace tiempo mucho tiempo atras.
Well, I like you a long time ago

Me gustas mucho, me gustas mucho tú
I like you a lot, I like you very much
tarde o temprano sere tuyo y mía tú serás
Sooner or later I will be yours and mine you will be
me gustas mucho, me gustas mucho tú
I like you a lot, I like you very much
tarde o temprano sere tuyo y mía tu serás
Sooner or later I will be yours and mine you will be
y yo te gusto? me gustas mucho tu
And I like you? I like you a lot
tarde o temprano sere tuyo y mia tu seras
Sooner or later I will be yours and mine you will be

Y no te oigo porque traes tennis
And I do not hear you because you bring tennis

Que conste amor que ya te lo advertí que no
That is the love that I already warned you that no
descansaré hasta que seas mia nomas
I'll rest until you're mine
pues tu me gustas de hace tiempo mucho tiempo atrás.
Well, I like you a long time ago

me gustas mucho, me gustas mucho tu
I like you a lot, I like you very much
tarde o temprano sere tuyo y mia tu seras
Sooner or later I will be yours and mine you will be
y yo te gusto? me gustas mucho tu
And I like you? I like you a lot
tarde o temprano sere tuyo y mia tu seras
Sooner or later I will be yours and mine you will be