Kany Garcia Aquí english translation

Feat Abel Pintos
Kany Garcia Aquí song lyrics
Kany Garcia Aquí translation
Aquí sigo contando los segundos
I'm still here counting the seconds
desde que me abrazo la soledad
Since loneliness hugged me
desde que te me fuiste sin maletas
Since you left without bags
un viaje que es de ida y nada más
A trip that is one way and nothing more
Come back!
Que un beso nos quedo pendiente
That a kiss remained pending
Come back!
Que no estoy lista para perderte
That I'm not ready to lose you

Si estuvieras aquí, sería tan fácil vivir
If you were here, living would be so much easier
darías azules de gris, que nublan mi mundo
You would gave blue of grey, that cloud my world
si estuvieras aquí, ya no dolería seguir
If you were here, carrying on wouldn't hurt
buscándole el sentido a cada paso de este rumbo
Searching for sense in every step of this road
si tu estuvieras aquí
If you were here

De a ver sabido de ese último día
To see known of that last day
te habría hecho desayuno y conversar
I would've made you breakfast and talk
con un te quiero el tiempo frenaría
With a "I love you" time would stop
pero el destino se nego a esperar
But destiny refused to wait

Come back!
Que un beso nos quedo pendiente
That a kiss remained pending
Come back!
Que no estoy lista para perderte
That I'm not ready to lose you

Si estuvieras aquí, sería tan fácil vivir
If you were here, living would be so much easier
darías azules de gris, que nublan mi mundo
You would gave blue of grey, that cloud my world
si estuvieras aquí, ya no dolería seguir
If you were here, carrying on wouldn't hurt
buscándole el sentido a cada paso de este rumbo
Searching for sense in every step of this road
si tu estuvieras aquí, aquí conmigo...
If you were here, here with me...

Come back!
Que recordar no es suficiente
Remembering isn't enough
Come back!
Que no estoy listo para perderte
That I'm not ready to lose you

Si estuvieras aquí, sería tan fácil vivir
If you were here, living would be so much easier
darías azules de gris, que nublan mi mundo
You would gave blue of grey, that cloud my world
si estuvieras aquí, ya no dolería seguir
If you were here, carrying on wouldn't hurt
buscándole el sentido a cada paso de este rumbo
Searching for sense in every step of this road
si tu estuvieras aquí, aquí conmigo...
If you were here, here with me...