Los Bunkers Miño english translation

Los Bunkers Miño song lyrics
Los Bunkers Miño translation
Fueron las canchas, donde corrí
There were the fields where I ran
El picaporte de la puerta que no abrí
The security of the door I didn't open
El miedo a la oscuridad
The fear of darkness
Y un viejo amor por conquistar.
And an old love to conquer

Sentada, sola y triste con la cruel verdad
Sat alone and sad with the evil truth
La mano se hizo amiga de la soledad
The hand and the loneliness became friends
Es evidente que el perdón
It's clear that the forgiveness
De los recuerdos se aburrió
Became tired of memories

Nadie me esperará, como lo quise ayer
Nobody will wait for me, as I wanted yesterday
En las veredas como imaginé
In the streets, as I have imagined
Si fuese así la eternidad
If the eternity will be like this
Yo no quisiera despertar
I don't want to wake up

Tantas caras que tengo olvidar
So much faces that I have to forget
No hay palabras, sin ponerse a gritar
There are no words without starting screaming
Se rieron de ti, no pudiste dormir
They made fun of you, you couldn't sleep
Pero tu propia vergüenza
But your own shame

Ya no vives de ti, no supiste morir
You don't live from yourself anymore, you didn't know how to die
Porque tu propia tristeza
Because your own shame
Se incendió.
Sat on fire

Todos colgados tras del camión
All them hanging behind the truck
Las mismas rejas oxidadas por el sol
The same old fences damaged by the sun
El hambre que no conocí
The hunger that I never met
Me hizo mucho mas feliz
Made me so much happier

Lavando a mano dentro de un piano
Washing by hand inside a piano
Un cura oculto bautizó a mi hermano
A hidden priest baptized my brother
Las cicatrices las guardé
I saved the scars
Por si no fueras a volver
In case you won't come back

Nadie me esperará, como lo quise ayer
Nobody will wait for me, as I wanted yesterday
En las veredas como imaginé
In the streets, as I have imagined
Si fuese así la eternidad
If the eternity will be like this
Yo no quisiera despertar
I don't want to wake up
Tantas caras que tengo olvidar
So much faces that I have to forget
No hay palabras, sin ponerse a llorar.
There are no words without starting screaming
Se rieron de ti, no pudiste dormir
They made fun of you, you couldn't sleep
Pero tu propia vergüenza
But your own shame
Ya no vives de ti, no supiste morir
You don't live from yourself anymore, you didn't know how to die
Porque tu propia tristeza
Because your own shame
Se incendió.
Sat on fire