Luciano Pereyra La Hora del Cantor english translation

Luciano Pereyra La Hora del Cantor song lyrics
Luciano Pereyra La Hora del Cantor translation
Las luces que se encienden y la orquesta ya empezo,
The lights that light up and the orchestra has already begun
llego la hora del cantor.
The singer's time comes.

Se inunda con aplauzos y es un manto de calor
It is flooded with aplauzos and is a mantle of heat
mi alma va en cada cancion.
my soul goes in every song
Y entre tantas miradas tus ojitos encontre
And between so many glances your little eyes found
pues otra vez me enamore.
then again I fall in love.

Volando noche a noche en esta vida de cantor
flying night to night in this singer's life
dificil es sacar el amor.
It is difficult to draw love.

Tu risa picarona le echa fuego al corazon
Your picarona laugh puts fire to the heart
y a mi cantar dulce mistol.
and to my sweet sweet song.
Despues de la jornada la paciencia concreto
After the day, the concrete patience
pobre tu miel por fin a flor.
poor your honey at last to flower.

y aunque no lo quisiera otra vez te veo marchar
and even if I did not want it again I'll see you leave
igual que tu hire a llorar.
same as your hire to cry.

volando noche a noche en esta vida de cantor
flying night to night in this singer's life
dificil es sacar el amor.
It is difficult to draw love.