Mani Matter Bim Coiffeur english translation

Mani Matter Bim Coiffeur song lyrics
Mani Matter Bim Coiffeur translation
Bim coiffeur bin i gsässe vor em spiegel, luege dry
I was sitting in the hairdresser saloon in front of the mirror and look into it
und gseh dert drinn e spiegel wo ar wand isch vis-à-vis
And I discover in there a mirror on the wall across the room
und dert drin spieglet sech dr spiegel da vor mir
And in there the mirror in front of me reflects
und i däm spiegel widerum dr spiegel hindefür
And in that mirror again the other mirror reflects
und so geng wyter, s'isch gsy win e länge korridor
And so on and on it was like a long corridor
i däm my chopf gwüss hundertfach vo hinden und vo vor
In which my head surely 100 times from the bank and from the front
isch ufgreit gsy i eier kolonne, z'hinderscht isch dr chopf
Was arrayed in a single queue, at the very back
i ha ne nümme gchennt, so chly gsy win e goofechnopf
I could not recognize its, small like the top of a needle
my chopf, dä het sich dert ir wyti, stellet öich das vor
My head, there in the vasteness, of space, imagine
verloren ir unäntlechkeit vom länge korridor
Lost itsfelf in the infinity of the long corridor
i ha mi sälber hinde gseh verschwinde, ha das gseh
I saw myself disappear at the back, I saw
am heiterhälle vormittag und wi wenn nüt wär gscheh
On a clear morning, and as nothing had happened,
erchloepft han i mys muul ufgschperrt, da sy im korridor
Terrified I opened my mouth, then in that corridor
grad hundert müüler mit ufgange win e männerchor
Just about one hundered mouths opened like a men's choir
e männerchor us mir alei, es cheibe gspässigs gfüel
A men's choir, just made by myelf, a really funy feeling
es metaphysischs grusle het mi packt im coiffeurgstüel
A metaphysic shudder went trough me on the hardresser stool
i ha d'serviette vo mer grissen, ungschore sofort
I tore the napkin off my neck and immediately and intact
das coiffeurgschäft verla mit paar entschuldigende wort
Left the hardresser saloon, with some words of excuse
und wenn dir findet i sött e chly meh zum coiffeur ga
And if you think I should go more often to the hairdresser's
de chöit dir jitz verstah warum i da e hemmig ha
Then you can now understand why I hesitate