Mani Matter Ds Zündhölzli english translation

Mani Matter Ds Zündhölzli song lyrics
Mani Matter Ds Zündhölzli translation
I han es Zündhölzli azündt
I lit a match
Und das het e Flamme gäh
And a flame appeared
Und i ha für d'Zigarette
And I wanted for my cigarette
Welle Füür vom Hölzli näh
Use the fire from the match
Aber ds Hölzli isch dervo-
But the match got away
Gspickt und uf e Teppich cho
And fell on the carpet
Und es hätt no fasch es Loch i Teppich gäh dervo
And there was almost a hole in the carpet

Ja me weis was cha passiere
Well you see what can hpapen
We me nid ufpasst mit Füür
If you don't watch the fire
Und für d'Gluet ar Zigarette
And for the braise at the cigarette
Isch e Teppich doch de z'tüür
A carpet is too expensive
Und vom Teppich hätt o Grus
And from the carpet, oh no,
Chönne ds Füür is ganze Hus
The fire could have spread to the entire building
Und wär weis, was da nid alles no wär worde drus
Und who knows what else could have happened

S'hätt e Brand gäh im Quartier
There would have been a fire in the area
Und s'hätti d'Füürwehr müesse cho
The fire brigade would have come
Hättid ghornet i de Strasse
The fire horns making noise in the Street
Und dr Schluuch vom Wage gno
Taking the firehose from the car
Und sie hätte Wasser gsprützt
And splashing the water
Und das hätt de glych nüt gnützt
And it would halve been all in vain
Und die ganzi Stadt hätt brönnt, es hätt se nüt meh gschützt
The whole city would have been in fire, and it would all have been in vain

Und d'Lüt wären umegsprunge
And the people would have run around
I dr Angscht um Hab und Guet
Panicking, in fear of their property
Hätte gmeint s'heig eine Füür gleit
They would have thought, somone causedt he fire on purpose
Hätte ds Sturmgwehr gno ir Wuet
In full rage would have grabbed the gun
Alls hätt brüelet: Wär isch tschuld?
And would have screamed "Who is to blame"
Ds ganze Land i eim Tumult
The whole country in uprorar
Dass me gschosse hätt uf d'Bundesrät am Rednerpult
So that they even would have shot at the federal counsellor at the lectern

D'UNO hätt interveniert
The United Nations would have taken action
Und d'UNO-Gägner sofort o
And the enemies of the United Nations too
Für ir Schwyz dr Fride z'rette
For saving peace in Switzerland
Wäred beid mit Panzer cho
Both of them would have come with their tanks
S'hätt sech usdehnt nadisna
It would have spread more and more
Uf Europa, Afrika
To Europe, Africa
S'hätt e Wältchrieg gäh und d'Mönschheit wär jitz nümme da
There would have been a world war and mankind would have disappeared

I han es Zündhölzli azündt
I lit a match
Und das het e Flamme gäh
And a flame appeared
Und i ha für d'Zigarette
And I wanted for my cigarette
Welle Füür vom Hölzli näh
Use the fire from the match
Aber ds Hölzli isch dervo-
But the match got away
Gspickt und uf de Teppich cho -
Fell on the carpet on the floor
Gottseidank dass i's vom Teppich wider furt ha gno
Thank Good I have picked it up from there.