Mecano Stereosexual english translation

Mecano Stereosexual song lyrics
Mecano Stereosexual translation
Cuando me desperté,
When I woke up
y vi otro tío acostado
And I saw another guy laying
de espaldas a mi lado me dije "pavo este quien es",
On his back, I said to myself "duck, who's this"
luego ya razoné,
Then I realized
la culpa es del alcohol,
It was all alcohol's fault
debí mezclar ayer hasta volverme maricón.
I should have mixed last night until I became a faggot

Y que dirán de mí,
What will they say about me?
dirán que eres gay,
They'll say you're gay
lo tendré que asumir,
I'll have to assume it
no te apures rey,
Don't worry, man
me aceptarán tal cual,
Will they accept me as I am?
veras como sí, Stereosexual,
You'll see they will. Stereosexual

con mi novia no sé,
With my girlfriend, I don't know
creo que se lo diré,
I think I'll tell her
de forma gradual para que no le sienta mal
Gradually so it doesn't hurt her
pero por el squash,
But in the squash
es mejor no volver,
I better not come back
no sea que un día en las duchas
Maybe someday at the showers
no me pueda contener.
I might not help myself

Y que dirán de mí,
What will they say about me?
dirán que eres gay,
They'll say you're gay
lo tendré que asumir,
I'll have to assume it
no te apures rey,
Don't worry, man
me aceptarán tal cual,
Will they accept me as I am?
veras como sí, Stereosexual,
You'll see they will. Stereosexual

por otro lao,
By the other side
por el lao de atrás,
The back side
no debe estar tan mal,
It might not be that bad
pero si es normal,
But it's normal
sí es tanto personal,
If it's so personal
pruébalo y veras,
Try it and you'll see

Cuando me había echo la idea
When I had already accepted the fact
el varón se despertó,
The guy woke up
y resulto ser una tía
And he turned to be a girl
con el pelo a lo Cues Jhons
With Cues Johns hairstyle
aunque ya se fotocopie
Even though she fotocopies
por delante y por detrás
By the front and the back side
a mi me sale mas a cuenta
I have it best by
por un lado nada mas.
Only one side

Y que dirán de mí,
What will they say about me?
dirán que eres gay,
They'll say you're gay
lo tendré que asumir,
I'll have to assume it
no te apures rey,
Don't worry, man
me aceptarán tal cual,
Will they accept me as I am?
veras como sí,
You'll see they will

por otro lao,
By the other side
por el lao de atrás,
The back side
no debe estar tan mal,
It might not be that bad
pero si es normal,
But it's normal
sí es tanto personal,
If it's so personal
pruébalo y veras,
Try it and you'll see