Revenge The Fate Bencana english translation

Revenge The Fate Bencana song lyrics
Revenge The Fate Bencana translation
Busuk ancaman putus asa kini pun terlalu cepat
Rotten the threats of despair now was Gone too fast
Bunuh tanpa merasa luka pahit pedih kemungkinan
Kills without feels The pain perhaps hurt and bitter
Bayang - bayang kematian perlahan mecekam
The shadows of death Slowly terrifying
Gelap katamu bawa luka duka
The darkness of your words Carrying the pain
Jatuh air matapun membentuk ku dengan paksa
My tears fell and shaped me With force
Serupa mesin pembunuh
Just like a Killing machine
Kan kuredam kutukan dalam jiwa
I will held the curse in My soul
Luka berlumurkan dustai rasa
The pain fulfill The lies
Hembuskan hawa busuk
Exhale the Rotten air
Berkati malam ini darah hujani tubuhku
Bless me tonight the blood will rained My body
Bangkit dari kubur
Rise from The grave
Aku akan bangkit dari kubur
I will rise from The grave
Demi tuhan kau akan ku hentikan
I swear to God I'll stop You
Harusku hisap jiwamu
Should I suck Your soul
Nyalakan api kebencian
Ignite the Fire of hatred
Menyelimuti langkah demi langkah
Covers Step by Step
Kepalsuan angin hembuskan indahnya surga
Falsehood wind blows The beauty of heaven
Api yang membakar tubuh dalam neraka
The fire that burned The body in hell
Mengisolasi jiwa keruh terkontaminasi
Isolating The soul turbid contaminated
Air bercampur racun ku tegukkan
Water mixed with The poison and I drank it
Binasakan perih keseimbangan bumi
Annihilate the pain and The balance of the earth
Aku akan bangkit dari kubur
I will rise from The grave
Demi tuhan kau akan ku hentikan
I swear to God I'll stop You
Harusku hisap jiwamu
Should I suck Your soul
Nyalakan api kebencian
Ignite the Fire of hatred
Menyelimuti langkah demi langkah
Covers Step by Step
Kepalsuan angin hembuskan indahnya surga
Falsehood wind blows The beauty of heaven
Api yang membakar tubuh dalam neraka
The fire that burned The body in hell