Revenge The Fate Darah Serigala english translation

Revenge The Fate Darah Serigala song lyrics
Revenge The Fate Darah Serigala translation
Aku tak berhenti
I will not stop
memberikan semua derita
Giving all of the sufferings
Telah ku singkirkan semua yang tak pernah ku genggam
I have throw away everything that I never held
Telah ku singkirkan semua
I have throw away
Yang tak pernah ku genggam
Everything that I never held

Oh tuhan tak terasa ku campakan semua
Oh God I didn't realize I've ignore everything
Yang telah kau berikan dan kau taburkan keindahan
That you've been given and you spread the beauty
Ku hancurkan semua lingkaran kehidupan
I've destroyed all of the life circles
Merasakan semua yg telah hilang
Feel everything that has gone

Kutumpahkan separuh darah yg membusuk
I spilled half of the rotten blood
Dikelamnya luka akan tubuh derita
In the pain of suffering body
Ku tetap berharap saat nanti kan ku temukan
I still hoped that one time I will found

Sampai tiba saat di akhir ku harus mati
Until the time has come in the end I should die
Tertunduklah kau setan
Kneel down you Satan
Sang penghancur mimpi
The destroyer of dreams
Yang terus melekat selama ku tenggelam dalam air mata
That kept attached when I'm drowned in the tears
Aku tak berhenti
I will not stop
Memberikan semua derita
Giving all of the sufferings
Ku kan akhiri
I will end this