Romeo Santos Obra maestra english translation

Romeo Santos Obra maestra song lyrics
Romeo Santos Obra maestra translation
Tell them the king is back!
Tell them the king is back


A petición...
A request...

Hay mujer
There's women.
El mundo es muy pequeño
In this world that is very small
Pa' este corazon
For this heart.
Que exageradamente
That's exaggerated.
Te ama con fervor
He loves you with a favor.

Nena bella tu eres mi alivio
Beautiful baby, you're my relief.
Propietaria de mis latidos
The owner of my heartbeat.
Un manicomio yo necesito
I need a madhouse.

Porque dicen que estoy loco
They say I'm crazy,
Y tu dominas mi intuición
And you mastered my intuition.

Antes mi vida era un martirio
Before my life, it was a martyrdom.
Ahora me siento bendecido
Now I feel blessed.

Tengo un amor gigantesco en dimensión
I have a huge love dimension.

Contigo me siento vivo
With you, I feel alive.
Algo glorioso divino
Something glorious and divine.
Soy el hombre mas dichoso
I'm the happiest man.
Feliz, millonario
Happy as a millionaire,
Sin na en los bolsillos
Without those pockets.

Un premio nobel tu has sido
You've been my nobel prize.
Mi arte mas preferido
And my most favorite art.
Sin envidiar a Picasso
Don't be jealous, Picasso.
Que obra maestra
That masterpiece
A dios felicito
A god I congratulate.




Lying about that life.
Lying about that life.

Hay amor
There's love.
He construido una muralla de protección
I built a wall of protection,
Con bellos perros que te cuidan si no estoy
With beautiful dogs who look after you if I'm not around.

Yo te amo mas que a mi mismo
I love you more than myself.
Tus enemigos serán los míos
Your enemies will mine.
Quien te hiera tendrá un lio
Who will you strike this mess?

Porque dicen que estoy loco
They say I'm crazy,
Y tu dominas mi intuición
And you mastered my intuition.

Antes mi vida era un martirio
Before my life, it was a martyrdom.
Ahora me siento bendecido
Now I feel blessed.

Tengo un amor gigantesco en dimensión
I have a huge love dimension.

Contigo me siento vivo
With you, I feel alive.
Algo glorioso divino
Something glorious and divine.
Soy el hombre mas dichoso
I'm the happiest man.
Feliz, millonario
Happy as a millionaire,
Sin na en los bolsillos
Without those pockets.

Un premio nobel tu has sido
You've been my nobel prize.
Mi arte mas preferido
And my most favorite art.
Sin envidiar a Picasso
Don't be jealous, Picasso.
Que obra maestra
That masterpiece
A dios felicito
A god I congratulate.

Mas que una canción de amor, de amor
More than a love song, my love.
Esta es una ocasión (It's a beautiful moment, baby!)
This is an occasion. (It's a beautiful moment, baby!)
Donde agradezco
Think about where
Que has llegado a mi región...
You've come to my area...

10 years later
10 years later.
And I'm still running this sht
And I'm still running this sh*t!
Ay lo dije
Oh, I told.
The king
The king

Otro chi
Another day...
Mire goldo
Look, goldo.
Dímele a cedri
Say to cedri.
Que le diga a richi
To tell richi that
Que me salude a will
I'll greet
Allá en Nueva York (jajaja)
Back in New York. (LOL)
You stupid
You stupid.