Sezen Aksu Gülümse english translation

Sezen Aksu Gülümse song lyrics
Sezen Aksu Gülümse translation
Gülümse hadi gülümse
Come on smile
Bulutlar gitsin
So the clouds disperse.
Yoksa ben nasil yenilenirim
If you don't, how could I be reborn.
Hadi gülümse
Come on, smile

Belki sehre bir film gelir
Maybe a movie will come to the town's cinema.
Bir güzel orman olur yazilarda
Maybe they'll write of a beautiful forest in the papers
iklim degisir Akdeniz olur gülümse
The climate might change, and become Mediterranian, so smile

Tut ki karnim acikti
What if I was hungry
Anneme küstüm
And at odds with my mother
Tüm sehir bana küstü
The whole city has disowned me
Bir kedim bile yok anliyor musun
I don't even have a cat, don't you understand?
Hadi gülümse
Come on, smile

Sazlarim vardi, irmaklarim vardi
I had sazs( Turkish guitar-like instruments), I had rivers
Çakil taslarim vardi benim
I had pebbles that belonged to me
Ama sen baskasin anliyor musun baskasin
But you, above all, don't you understand? You're different.
Belki sehre bir film gelir
Maybe a movie will come to the town's cinema.
Bir güzel orman olur yazilarda
Maybe they'll write of a beautiful forest in the papers
iklim degisir Akdeniz olur gülümse
The climate might change, and become Mediterranian, so smile