Vicentico Algo Contigo english translation

Vicentico Algo Contigo song lyrics
Vicentico Algo Contigo translation
Hace falta que te diga
It is necessary for me to tell you
que me muero por tener algo contigo
that I'm dying to have something with you

es que no te has dado cuenta
haven't you realized
de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo
how hard it is for me to be your friend

ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca
now I can't even get close to your mouth
sin deseártela de una manera loca
without desiring it on a crazy way

necesito controlar tu vida,
I need to control your life
saber quién te besa y quién te abriga.
to know who kisses you and who shelters you

Hace falta que te diga
It is necessary for me to tell you
que me muero por tener algo contigo
that I'm dying to have something with you

es que no te has dado cuenta
haven't you realized
de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo
how hard it is for me to be your friend

ya no puedo continuar espiando,
I can't keep on spying
día y noche tu llegar adivinando.
day and night guessing your arrival
Ya no sé con que inocente excusa
I don't know with which innocent excuse
pasar por tu casa
pass by your house

ya me quedan tan pocos caminos
I have only a few paths left
y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino
and although it can be a foolishness to you
no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
I wouldn't like to die without having
algo contigo.
something with you

Hace falta que te diga
It is necessary for me to tell you
que me muero por tener algo contigo
that I'm dying to have something with you

es que no te has dado cuenta
haven't you realized
de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo
how hard it is for me to be your friend

ya no puedo acercarme a tu boca
now I can't even get close to your mouth
sin deseártela de una manera loca
without desiring it on a crazy way
necesito niña controlar tu vida,
I need, girl, to control your life
saber quién te besa
to know who kisses you
y quién te abriga
and who shelters you

ya me quedan muy pocos caminos
I only have a few paths left
y aunque pueda parecerte un desatino
and although it can be a foolishness to you

no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
I wouldn't like to die without having
algo contigo.
something with you

(Algo contigo, algo contigo)
(Something with you, something with you)
niña no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
girl, I wouldn't like to die without having

(algo contigo)
something with you
algo contigo,
something with you
(algo contigo)
something with you
Triste el destino que me espera sin poderte conocer
sad is the destiny that awaits me without getting to know you
(algo contigo)
something with you
algo contigo,
something with you
(algo contigo)
something with you
Ya no hay excusa, ya no hay nada que tenga que perder
There's no excuse now, there's nothing I have to lose
(algo contigo)
something with you
como un esclavo
like a slave
(algo contigo)
something with you
esclavo para siempre no me importaría ser
I wouldn't mind being a slave forever
algo contigo
something with you
eternamente esclavo
slave for all eternity
niña no quisiera yo morirme sin tener
girl, I wouldn't like to die without having
(algo contigo)
something with you
algo contigo,
something with you
(algo contigo)
something with you
Triste el destino que me espera
Sad is the destiny that awaits me
sin poderte conocer
Without getting to know you
algo contigo...
something with you