Zahara Inameva english translation

Zahara Inameva song lyrics
Zahara Inameva translation
Inameva, iyahlaba. Ndincede
The thorns, the gore. Help me
Inameva, iyahlaba
The thorns, the gore
Ndizoguqa ndithandaze
I bow my prayer
Inameva, iyahlaba. Ndincede
The thorns, the gore. Help me
Inameva, iyahlaba
The thorns, the gore
Nokuba le ndlel' imxinwa
Regardless of genocide narrow
Likhon' ithuba lam
there is my opportunity
Lokuthubeleza ndizofika
The passes have come
Ubom bethu bahlukile
Our lives are different
Kodwa ikhon' indawo esidibana kuyo
But a particular place at a junction
Val' amehlo akho
Close your eyes
Ujonge ngentliziyo yakho
look by your heart
Siyafana, sifun' intw' enye
We are the same, we want each other
Sifun' ukuphila
we want to live
Zungandivaleli ithuba lam
like I have closed my opportunity
Nelakho liyeza
and your is coming
kukh' induli eluhlaza engabiyelwanga
shortcut "green hills that have no
Mna ndimthembile
I trusted him
UMdali wezulu nomhlaba
Creator of heaven and earth
Ngoba wasinika ubukhosi
because he gave us mighty
Mna ndimthembile
I trusted him
UMdali wezulu nomhlaba
Creator of heaven and earth
Ngoba zonk' impendulo zikuye
because all the answers are with him
Ndizoguqa ndithandaze x4
I bow my prayer
Inameva iyahlaba
The thorns, the gore