Zona Ganjah Música consciente english translation

Zona Ganjah Música consciente song lyrics
Zona Ganjah Música consciente translation
Hacemos musica real, musica para la conciencia
we make real music, music for consciousness
para conectarte con tu esencia
to connect you with your essence
es musica real, musica para los que piensan
it's real music, music for those who think
para los que no son solo apariencia.
for those who aren't just appearance

Reggae es el bienestar, reggae es mi herencia
Reggae is wellness, reggae is my heritage
para comunicarme de forma directa
to communicate directly
mi palabra es la verdad, vibración que te conecta,
my word is the truth, vibration that connects you
tengo las armas que despiertan.
I have the weapons that wake up

Llevamos tiempo haciendo esto pa la gente
We have been doing this for people
los encargados de traer letra consciente
those responsible for bringing letter conscious
quien no la vende saben bien de lo que hablo
who sell it to us knows what I'm talking about
quedamos pocos que al cantar decimos algo
we are few that when we sing we say something
cantando al pueblo trayendo buenas nuevas
singing to the people bringing good news
cantando al mundo pues mi mensaje vuela
singing to the world as my message flies
letra consciente musica real
conscious letter, real music
mi letra es fuego para despertar
my letter is fire to wake up

Hacemos musica real, musica para la conciencia
we make real music, music for consciousness
para conectarte con tu esencia
to connect you with your essence
es musica real, musica para los que piensan
it's real music, music for those who think
para los que no son solo apariencia.
for those who aren't just appearance

Reggae es bienestar, reggae es mi herencia
reggae is wellness, reggae is heritage
para comunicarme de forma directa
to communicate directly
mi palabra es la verdad, vibracion que te conecta,
my word is the truth, vibration that connects you
tengo las armas que despiertan...
I have the weapons that wake up

Hoy dia abunda la basura en tus oidos
Nowadays, the trash is full in your ears
musica que te perdió a ti y a tus hijos
music that perverts you and your children
tal vez no busco lo que esta de moda
maybe I'm not looking for what's hot
pero esa basura te hace mal y no es broma
but that trash makes you bad and no joke
pues mucha musica hablado mal de las mujeres
because a lot of music speaks badly about women
manejandola como juguete de placeres
leaving her as a pleasure toy
y mucha musica incita la violencia
and a lot of music incites violence
por eso que hoy esta tan mal la adolescencia
That's why today is so bad adolescence
musica es bendita, musica es union
music is blessed, music is union
la musica era limpia y se mancho con ambición
the music was clean and stained with ambition
musica es sagrada una bendición
music is sacred a blessing
hagamos musica consciente y no musica pop.
let's make music conscious and not pop music

Musica real, musica para la conciencia
Real music, music for consciousness
para conectarte con tu esencia
to connect you with your essence
es musica real, musica para los que piensan
it's real music, music for those who think
para los que no son solo apariencia.
for those who aren't just appearance

Reggae es el bienestar, reggae es mi herencia
Reggae is wellness, reggae is my heritage
para comunicarme de forma directa
to communicate directly
mi palabra es la verdad, la vibración que te conecta,
my word is the truth, the vibration that connects you
tengo las armas que despiertan.
I have the weapons that wake up

Es musica real, musica para la conciencia
It's real music, music for consciousness
para conectarte con JAH
to connect with JAH
es musica real, musica para los que piensan
it's real music, music for those who think
para los que no son solo apariencia.
for those who aren't just appearance

Reggae es el bienestar, reggae es mi herencia
Reggae is wellness, reggae is my heritage
para comunicarme de forma directa
to communicate directly
mi palabra es la verdad, la vibracion que te conecta,
my word is the truth, the vibration that connects you
tengo las armas que despiertan.
I have the weapons that wake up