جدل Mish Hadool Nasak english translation

جدل Mish Hadool Nasak song lyrics
جدل Mish Hadool Nasak translation
مش هدول ناسك؟
Aren't they your people?
مش هدول صحابك؟
Aren't they your friends?
مش هدول أهلك ودمهم بشريانك؟
Aren't they your folks? and their blood run into your veins?
كيف بتقتل حالك وبتاكل بأعضائك؟
How could ypu kill yourself and eat your parts?
بتقطع الوريد وبتصفي بدم حالك!
Cut your wrest and dry your blood
هيك بتقتل حالك هيك بتقتل حالك!
You're killing yourself!

مش هدول ناسك؟
Aren't they your people?
مش هدول اخوانك؟
Aren't they your brothers?
مش هدول أهلك؟ مش هدول خلانك؟
Aren't they your folks? aren't they your uncles?
ان غلطوا بحقك
If they insulted you
يهديهم ربّك!
May Allah help them!
إن بينوا أنيابهم
If they showed you their fangs
ما تمضي سنانك
Don't sharpen your teeth
ما تمضي سنانك!
Don't sharpen your teeth

انت اجاني وانت القاضي
You're the criminal and the judge
وانت المجني عليه ومش سائل
And you're the victim but you don't care

الشرق له رساله
The east has a message
والغرب له رساله
And the west has a message
ودم اللي بالنص هو السايل
And the blood of people in between is wasted.