BUMP OF CHICKEN ベンチとコーヒー english translation

BUMP OF CHICKEN ベンチとコーヒー song lyrics
BUMP OF CHICKEN ベンチとコーヒー translation
青いベンチに座って あったかいコーヒー飲みました
I sat on a blue bench, and drank a warm cup of coffee
これから昇る太陽が 東の空を染めました
The sun rose, and dyed the eastern sky

それはもう 嘘みたいに キレイで 驚いたなぁ
It was so ridiculously beautiful, that I was shocked

駅へ急ぐスーツの人 Yシャツの襟が立っていて
A man in a suit hurried towards the station with his t-shirt collar sticking out
それに気付いて直す時 辺りをキョロキョロ伺って
When he noticed his collar and fixed it, he looked about his surroundings inquiringly

まるで 自分を見る様で もどかしくて まいるなぁ
I felt just like I was looking at myself. It was irritating, so annoying

格好つけて 強がって 理屈ばかりの俺です
Putting on airs pretending to be tough
無駄に焦って 取り繕って それすら認めません
I am made of nothing but words, pointlessly impatient, evasive, I can't take it

あの人が 会社に間に合いますように
I hope that guy makes it to his job on time

シャドーボクシングする人 ジグザグに並木を往復
A shadowboxer, comes and goes, zigzags through the row of trees
一心不乱のその目は 汗など気にしない模様
Concentrating so intensely, that his eyes don't even mind the sweat

かたや自分はこのザマで 情けなくて まいるなぁ
But I think that sorry state, is pitiable, so annoying

格好つけて 強がって 言い訳くさい俺です
Putting on airs pretending to be tough, I stink of excuses
無駄に悟った フリばっかりで 知る努力もしません
I uselessly do nothing but pretend, that I understand, and I don't even try to understand

あの人が 試合で負けませんように
I hope that guy, doesn't lose his match

Am I singing?
Who was I singing to?
I understand, don't I?
What did I understand?

家路を辿るランドセル 並んだ赤黒 二人分
Two children take the road home, their dark red backpacks lined up
「君が好きだよ」と容易く 目の前で言ってのけた
"I like you," one says simply right in front of the other

それは自分に 無いモノで 羨ましくて まいるなぁ
That's something I just can't do I'm jealous, so annoying

格好つけて 強がって 大人気取りの俺です
Putting on airs, pretending to be tough I pretend to be an adult
スナオな気持ち 言えないままで 笑ってみたりします
Unable to speak my true feelings, I laugh and look on

黒の想いが 赤に届きますように
I hope the black one's feelings reach the red one

Where did I get lost?
What made me lose my way?
Whom should I sing to?
Can I sing to myself?

青いベンチのまわりに 鳩が集まってきました
Pigeons gather around the blue bench
あいにくエサは持ってないよ 君らの役には立たないよ
Sorry, but I have no food, I can't be of any use to you

いい加減 家に帰るかな 冷たいコーヒーを飲んだら
I've had enough I'll just go home and drink my cold coffee
コーヒー好きな オマエのさ 馴染んだ顔が浮かんだよ
The familiar face of you who loves coffee so much, floats up in my memory

こんな一日の話を 笑ってくれるんだろうなぁ
I bet you'd laugh at what's happened to me today
こんな一日の思いは お見通しなんだろうなぁ
I bet you'd you'd see right through to how I was feeling today

「格好つけて 強がって」 繰り返してる俺です
"Putting on airs pretending to be tough" I repeat to myself
覗いてみれば 全然ダメで ホントに まいるなぁ
If you looked at me you'd see that I'm no good I'm no so annoyed

いつもの顔で コーヒーを飲んでいる オマエです
With your usual face you drink your coffee
いつもの顔で 全然ダメな 俺のとなりに居ます
With your usual face you sit next to no-good me

こんな唄を 明日 オマエに 渡せますように
I hope that I can give you a song like this tomorrow
冷たいコーヒーが あたためてくれた
You warmed up my cold coffee