Calle 13 Electro Movímiento english translation

Calle 13 Electro Movímiento song lyrics
Calle 13 Electro Movímiento translation
(Ahhh) Toca, toca, toca, toca
(Ahhh) Play, play, play, play
Tú estás coqueta, yo estoy coqueto
You're flirty, I'm flirtatious
tú y yo hacemos un buen dueto
You and I make a good duet
tú eres una loca y yo soy un demente
You're a crazy girl and I'm nuts
contigo me quedo hasta que se me caigan los dientes
With you I stay until my teeth fall
Te tengo una propuesta sencilla
I have a simple proposition for you
vamos a mezclarnos como pan con mantequilla
Let's mix like bread and butter
como refrito con guacamole
Like refrito with guacamole
bien mezclado como arroz con frijoles
Well mixed like rice and beans
Nosotros nacimos con las piernas suelta
We were born with loose legs
vámonos pa' atrás pa' los años ‘80
Let's get back to the 80s
pa' cuando Madonna era virgen
When Madonna was virgin
y John Travolta en el piso daba vueltas
And John Travolta was making turns on the floor
Un mundo de colores fluorescentes
A world of fluorescent colours
sin preocupaciones en la mente
Without worries on the mind
yo lo que quiero es un besito tuyo caliente
What I want for you is a hot kiss

pa' que se desaparezca la gente
To make people go
Hold me
Hold me
Warm me
Warm me
Touch me
Touch me
Break the circuitry
Break the circuitry)
Hold me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Hold me (touch touch touch touch)
Warm me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Warm me (touch touch touch touch)
Touch me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Touch me (touch touch touch touch)

Break the circuitry
Break the circuitry)
Por ti yo hago lo que sea
For you I do anything
peleo contra 300 ninjas en Corea
I fight against 300 ninjas in Korea
Por ti pesco 500 delfines y cruzo
For you I fish 500 dolphins and cross

la cordillera de los Andes en patines
The Andes in rollers
Wait for a minute, what you're thinkin' that you started
Wait for a minute, what you're thinkin that you started
you're the type guy that leaves her broken-hearted (¿Qué?)
You're the type of guy that leaves her broken-hearted (What?)
If you think that you're ready for a dum like this
If tou think that you're ready for a dum like this

Spit that clever rhyme on the next remix
Spit that clever rhyme on the next remix
Yo no entiendo lo que estás diciendo
I don't understand what you're saying
yo espero que no me estés maldiciendo
I hope you're not cursing at me
si tú me dejas y me das permiso
I you let me
podemos tener hasta trillizos
We can even have triplets
Te quiero hacer volar como Peter Pan
I want to make you fly like Peter Pan
por encima del viejo San Juan
Over old San Juan
después te recito 30 serenatas
After I'll sing you 30 serenatas

bajo la luz de la luna al lao' de una fogata
Under the moonlight, beside a wood fire
Hold me
Hold me
Warm me
Warm me
Touch me
Touch me
Break the circuitry
Break the circuitry)
Hold me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Hold me (touch touch touch touch)
Warm me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Warm me (touch touch touch touch)
Touch me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Touch me (touch touch touch touch)

Break the circuitry
Break the circuitry)
Yo te traigo música con electromagnetos
I bring you electromagnetic music
para que muevas todo el esqueleto
for you to movw all your body
música hecha con buena onda
Music made with good vibes
para que brinques como pop corn de microondas
For you to play as microwave popcorn
Yo lo que quiero es que pierdan el control
What I want is for people yo loose control
que fumen y mezclen pepas con alcohol
For them to smoke and mix drugs with alcohol
todo el mundo salvaje, welcome to the jungle
Everybody wild, welcome to the jungle

Lets get ready to rumble!
Break the code
Break the code
Free the hold
Free the hold
Within the circuitry of my soul
Within the circuitry of my soul
I can't wait for you to grow
I can't wait for you to grow
into the man you'll be when you're old
Into the man you'll be when you're old
Aha, you think I'm cold
Aha, you think I'm cold
But I'm just lettin' you know
But I'm just lettin you know
You can't mess with the woman who's bold
You can't mess with the woman who's bold

Is now or never before I explode!
Is now or never before I explode!
Homosexuales, lesbianas, bisexuales
Homosexuals, lesbians, bisexuals
bestialistas, pedófilos, heterosexuales
Wilders, pedos, heterosexuals
bailando el electro movimiento
Dancing the electro movement
para bailar esto no tienes que tener talento
To dance this you do not have to have talent

todo el mundo con el paso del robot todo el mundo en la disco bailando guey
Everybody with the robot step everybody on the disco dancing guey
Hold me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Hold me (touch touch touch touch)
Warm me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Warm me (touch touch touch touch)
Touch me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Touch me (touch touch touch touch)
Break the circuitry
Break the circuitry)
Hold me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Hold me (touch touch touch touch)
Warm me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Warm me (touch touch touch touch)
Touch me (toca, toca, toca, toca)
Touch me (touch touch touch touch)
Break the circuitry)
Break the circuitry)