Chico Buarque A Banda english translation

Chico Buarque A Banda song lyrics
Chico Buarque A Banda translation
Estava à toa na vida
I was living slapdash
O meu amor me chamou
My babe called me
Pra ver a banda passar
To see the band passing on by
Cantando coisas de amor
Singing love songs

A minha gente sofrida
My people who was sofering
Despediu-se da dor
Said goodbye to the pain
Pra ver a banda passar
To see the band passing on by
Cantando coisas de amor
Singing love songs

O homem sério que contava dinheiro parou
The serious man who was counting money, stopped
O faroleiro que contava vantagem parou
The lighthouse keeper who was bouncing, stopped
A namorada que contava as estrelas parou
The girlfriend who was counting stars, stopped
Para ver, ouvir e dar passagem
To see, to hear and to let it pass
A moça triste que vivia calada sorriu
The sad lady who lived quietly, smiled
A rosa triste que vivia fechada se abriu
The sad rose that lived close, bloomed
E a meninada toda se assanhou
And the kids got really electric
Pra ver a banda passar
To see the band passing on by
Cantando coisas de amor
Singing love songs

O velho fraco se esqueceu do cansaço e pensou
The weak old man forgot his tiredness and thought
Que ainda era moço pra sair no terraço e dançou
That he was still a young boy to go out in the terrace, then he danced
A moça feia debruçou na janela
The ugly lady leaned at the window
Pensando que a banda tocava pra ela
Thinking that the band was playing for her
A marcha alegre se espalhou na avenida e insistiu
The happy marching spread itself through the avenue and insisted
A lua cheia que vivia escondida surgiu
The full moon that lived hidden, appeared
Minha cidade toda se enfeitou
My all city was adorned
Pra ver a banda passar
To see the band passing on by
Cantando coisas de amor
Singing love songs

Mas para meu desencanto
But to my disenchantment
O que era doce acabou
What were sweet ended
Tudo tomou seu lugar
Everything take its place
Depois que a banda passou
After that the band passed

E cada qual no seu canto
And everyone got back to their places
E em cada canto uma dor
And in every place, a pain
Depois da banda passar
After the band pass
Cantando coisas de amor
Singing love songs