CYaRon! 元気全開DAY! DAY! DAY! english translation

CYaRon! 元気全開DAY! DAY! DAY! song lyrics
CYaRon! 元気全開DAY! DAY! DAY! translation
やあやあ 朝から全開!
Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
ねえねえ みんなもね爽快?
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
やあやあ なんでもできそうだ!?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!

I was just struck with an idea, so
早く会いたいな 話したいな
I want to meet soon...! I want us to come together and talk...!
I just couldn't wait, and woke up early!

The morning air has the scent of greenery and salt,
and I inhale big, deep whiffs of it!

坂道駆け足 ああ誰かの背中が
Running quickly up the hillside road, Ahh!someone's back
遠くに見えるよ おはよう!
can be seen from the distance! Good morning!
手を上げたらダッシュだ 気づいてるね?
I dash forward with my hand raised! You'll notice it, right?

今日はどんあ日かな(どんな日だ?DAY! DAY! DAY!)
What will today be like? (What kind of day? DAY! DAY! DAY!)
あ~絶対、元気全開 DAY!!
Ahh Definitely an energetic, full speed day!
Hey, listen to me!
楽しくなっちゃいそうな アイディアがあるからさ
I have an idea that seems fun, so
let's gather after school! (No refusing!)
意味深な声で ま•た•ねっ
With a meaningful voice I say: See you later!

やあやあ 朝から全開!
Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
ねえねえ みんなもね爽快?
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
やあやあ なんでもできそうだ!?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!

After eating lunch, I became sleepy, so
少し目を閉じた 寝ないよ寝ない
I closed my eyes for a bit... I'm not sleeping, you know! I'm not asleep!
I'm just taking a break! A short one, ok?

The commotion outside the window is like a lullaby...
Wait What? I need to wake up!

伸び~した後ろで ああ誰かが呼んでる
I stre tched in the back, Ahh someone's calling me!
寝ぐせをこまかす こんちわ!(こんちわ!)
I try to hide my bedhead and greet them: Hello!
照れ笑いでピンチだ 気づかれたか?
When I'm in a pinch, I wear an embarrassed grin... Did you find me out?

What should I start talking about? (What should I start from?)
Let's decide when the time comes!

今日はどんな日かな(どんな日だ?DAY! DAY! DAY!)
What will today be like? (What kind of day? DAY! DAY! DAY!)
あ~絶対、元気全開 DAY!!
Ahh Definitely an energetic, full speed day!
Hey, listen to me!
楽しくなっちゃいそうな アイディアがあるからさ
I have an idea that seems fun, so
let's gather after school! (No refusing!)
意味深な声で ま•た•ねっ
With a meaningful voice I say: See you later!

やあやあ 朝から全開!
Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
ねえねえ みんなもね爽快?
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
やあやあ なんでもできそうだ!?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!
(We are CYaRon'!!)
(We are CYaRon'!!)
やあやあ 朝から全開!
Yo!Yo! Going at full throttle from the morning on!
ねえねえ みんなもね爽快?
Hey!Hey! Everyone is exhilarated as well, right?
やあやあ なんでもできそうだ!?
Yo!Yo! It feels like we can do anything!