CYaRon! 夜空はなんでも知ってるの? english translation

CYaRon! 夜空はなんでも知ってるの? song lyrics
CYaRon! 夜空はなんでも知ってるの? translation
なんだか眠れない 今夜は眠れない
I just can't get to sleep, I can't sleep tonight at all
My thoughts are keeping me up
It's like the night sky knows everything

I couldn't show her kindness
While she was crying
私もね泣きたくってさ ずるいなと思ったよ
"It's unfair, you know. I want to cry too," I thought

I was a bit cruel
言い方わりとキツかった いまさら後悔してるけど
My words were harsh, and now I'm regretting it
遅いね ごめんね
Took me long enough, but, I'm sorry...

なんだか眠れない 今夜は眠れない
I just can't get to sleep, I can't sleep tonight at all
My thoughts are keeping me up
All I do is toss and turn
だいじな友達へ 素直にならなくちゃ
She's my precious friend, I've got to be open with her
打ち明けてみよう本当のこと モヤモヤしてた私のこと
I'll try speaking my mind, not just moping around
夜空は ああなんでも知ってるみたい…知ってるの?
Ah, it's like the night sky knows everything about me... does it know?

だいすきな筈なのにね 時々すれ違う
Even though I know we love each other, sometimes we disagree

やっぱり自分のせいだな 余裕がなくてダメだった
I guess it really was my fault.. I shouldn't have lost my temper
Now I just want to hug you softly
なぐさめの言葉じゃなく 背中をゆっくりたたいて
Rather than just offer words of comfort, I want to gently pat your back
Hug you and whisper 'it's okay'
遅いね ごめんね
Took me long enough, but, I'm sorry...

ひとりで泣かないで いっしょに泣いちゃおか
"Don't cry alone, let's cry together"
それで良かった それが良かった
I really should've said that, I wish I could've said that
But I was trying too hard to act unfazed
だいじな友達と 涙も半分っこ
She's my precious friend, I should be crying by her side
軽くなるように分けあえたら そのうち笑顔に変わるかも
If we share to lighten the weight, then maybe someday they'll become smiles

夜空に ごめんね
To the night sky, I whisper "I'm sorry"

なんだか眠れない 今夜は眠れない
I just can't get to sleep, I can't sleep tonight at all
My thoughts are keeping me up
All I do is toss and turn
だいじな友達へ 素直にならなくちゃ
She's my precious friend, I've got to be open with her
打ち明けてみよう本当のこと モヤモヤしてた私のこと
I'll try speaking my mind, not just moping around
夜空は ああなんでも知ってるみたい…知ってるの?
Ah, it's like the night sky knows everything about me... does it know?

I couldn't show her kindness
And now, I regret it