Elissa فل الحكي english translation

Elissa فل الحكي song lyrics
Elissa فل الحكي translation
عم بتشتي ذكريات.وميات الشتي دمعات
Memories are getting wintered and the winter waters are tears
من بعدك ما في حياه.مش حلوه الدني
After you've gone there's no life , the world Is getting ugly
حالف ما يجي الربيع.ويبقي ايلول الحزين
The Spring swears that He would never come And September stays sad
من بعدك حبيبي مين.فيا بيعتني
After you baby who will look after me

يا عمري صحاني الشتي.فيق عيوني عالبكي
O my life the winter time wakes me up and puts tears into my eyes
وعي حنيني عالسكت.جربت احكي وما قدرت
with silence it woke up my longing, i had tried to talk but i couldn't
يمكن معاك فل الحكي
maybe with you the words ran away

قبال الموقد والنار.عم بتذكرني شو صار
There's a fireplace in front of me and its fire reminds e of what happened
ايدي احرق حتي تغار.تغمرني ايدي
I burned my hands so you would be jealous and embrace me
ليش الشتي والاحباب.اللي راحوا وصاروا غياب
Why the winter time and the loved ones who left us and become absent
جمعوا كلن بكتاب.سنين جديده
They all gathered In a book of the new year

يا عمري صحاني الشتي.فيق عيوني عالبكي
O my life the winter time wakes me up and puts tears into my eyes
وعي حنيني عالسكت.جربت احكي وما قدرت
with silence it woke up my longing, i had tried to talk but i couldn't
اه يمكن معاك فل الحكي
maybe with you the words ran away

قفلت ضرفه الشباك.ومتلي جربت تنساك
You fell asleep on the ledge of the window and like me you tried to forget me
يا بابي منو وراك.خليك مسكر
O my door who Is behind you , stay closed
هيدي مش اول شتوي.غيابك بيبكي عيني
This is not the first winter night your absence makes my eyes cry
هيك الشتي بيعمل فيا.دغري بتاثر
So that's what the winter time does to me It gets to me quickly

يا عمرى صحاني الشتي .فيق عيوني عالبكي
O my life the winter time wakes me up and puts tears into my eyes
وعي حنيني عالسكت.جربت احكي ومقدرت
with silence it woke up my longing, i had tried to talk but i couldn't
يمكن معاك فل الحكي
maybe with you the words ran away