FLOW Burn english translation

FLOW Burn song lyrics
FLOW Burn translation
吹き荒れる風 立ち止まる者
All ye wandering hearts,
Standing still amidst a blistering wind-
縛られた正義 鳴り止まぬsorrow
With a shackled justice.... never-ending sorrow...
You're unable to take the next step.

So obliterate those tears that clouded your vision;
Your hopes, having managed to escape the darkness, will continue to increase in brilliance!

鮮やかなIt's a brand new day 駆け抜けろGo ahead the way
On this brilliant, brand-new day... run on through - go ahead on your way!
Burn that life you'll only live once!
戸惑いはTake it all away どこまでもJust believe your way
Even amidst confusion, take it all away... endlessly onward - just believe your way!
Unto that playing field known as "The World"!
一心に放つ光で 焼き付けてみせるよ 想いを
Releasing a focused light, we'll burn deep... these feelings!

溢れてるようで なんか足りないや
It seems about to overflow... yet somehow insufficient...
When you drift amidst this noisy night,
何となく不安で かき乱すtomorrow
Somehow uneasy, tomorrow is shaken and stirred,
So you've gotta keep things straight in your mind.

時に目に見えるものより 見えないものの方が 大切だったりして
Sometimes things unseen is more precious than things that can be seen

明日は一体どっちだい わかってるようで勘違い
Which way is tomorrow? It seems clear, but you end up mistaken...
...unable to find an answer.
奮い立つ心がある 揺るぎない想いがある
But you have an encouraging heart, and unwavering beliefs
If those remain firm, that's all you need!
A gently shining moon smiles upon you...

鮮やかなIt's a brand new day 駆け抜けろGo ahead the way
On this brilliant, brand-new day... run on through - go ahead on your way!
Burn that life you'll only live once!
戸惑いはTake it all away どこまでもJust believe your way
Even amidst confusion, take it all away... endlessly onward - just believe your way!
Unto that playing field known as "The World"!
一心に放つ光で 焼き付けてみせるよ 想いを
Releasing a focused light, we'll burn deep... these feelings!