Garmarna Virga ac diadema english translation

Garmarna Virga ac diadema song lyrics
Garmarna Virga ac diadema translation
1a. O virga ac diadema purpure regis
1a. O branch and diadem in royal purple clad,
que es in clausura tua sicut lorica:
who like a shield stand in your cloister strong.

1b. Tu frondens floruisti in alia vicissitudine
1b. You burst forth blooming but with buds quite different
quam Adam omne genus humanum produceret.
than Adam's progeny—th' entire human race.

2a. Ave, ave, de tuo ventre alia vita processit
2a. Hail, o hail! For from your womb came forth another life,
qua Adam filios suos denudaverat.
that had been stripped by Adam from his sons.

2b. O flos, tu non germinasti de rore
2b. O bloom, you did not spring from dew
nec de guttis pluvie
nor from the drops of rain,
nec aer desuper te volavit sed divina
nor has the windy air flown over you; but radiance divine
claritas in nobilissima virga te produxit.
has brought you forth upon that noblest bough.

3a. O virga, floriditatem tuam Deus in prima die
3a. O branch, your blossoming God had foreseen
creature sue previderat.
within the first day of his own creation.

3b. Et te Verbo suo auream materiam,
3b. And by his Word he made of you a golden matrix,
o laudabilis Virgo, fecit.
O Virgin, worthy of our praise.

2b. O flos, tu non germinasti de rore
2b. O bloom, you did not spring from dew
nec de guttis pluvie
nor from the drops of rain,
2b. O flos, tu non germinasti de rore
2b. O bloom, you did not spring from dew
nec de guttis pluvie
nor from the drops of rain,