Gersang Luka Lagi english translation

Gersang Luka Lagi song lyrics
Gersang Luka Lagi translation
Telah ku katakan kasih, ku insan biasa
already I told my love , I'm ordinary person
Tiada punyai harta, mengapa kau masih bersandiwara jua
I don't have a property, why you was still lied to me.
Tentang cinta
about love

Selama ini kau berpura, ku sangka kau setia
So far you've pretended, I thought you were faithfull
Oh. luka lagi, kerna kau masih mengulangi
oh hurt again , because you're still repeating
Luka lagi, perpisahan yang engkau pinta
hurt again , farewell which you asked for
Masih terasa aku tak perlu bertanya
still feel me no need to ask
Dimana letaknya cinta yang indah
where are located a beautiful of love

Kini kau tiada lagi menghampiri
now you not again to close it
Perasaan hati ini terlalu sepi dan rindu pada, dirimu
the feeling of heart too quiet and miss to you

Oh. luka lagi, ku yang sendiri tiada erti
ohh hurt again, I was lonely not meaning
Luka lagi, pergilah engkau dari sisi
hurt again, just you go from the side
Masih terasa aku tak perlu bertanya
still feel me no need to ask
Dimana letaknya cinta yang indah
where are located a beautiful of love