Gersang Pasti english translation

Gersang Pasti song lyrics
Gersang Pasti translation
Ketika itu ku terlena
when it was over
Bersama arus ombak luka
with the wound wave
Tidak ku sedar kau berpura
I do not know you're pretending
Menyintai diriku
Love me

Kiranya telah ditakdirkan
would have been my destiny
Kecewa dalam percintaan
fail in this love
Apakah ini yang kau mau
what is this you want
Kita berpisah
we be parted

Dimana letak kesetiaan
where is located loyalty
Yang pernah kau janjikan
which you promised
Dimanakah salah dan silapku
where is my fault and mistake
Sehingga kau berubah
until you has change it

Kini aku sendiri lagi
now I lonely again
Mengharap kasih tiada pasti
expect love no doubt
Biarlah ku membawa diri
let me bring myself
Semoga kau bahagia
hope you are happy