Jamrud Most Wanted english translation

Jamrud Most Wanted song lyrics
Jamrud Most Wanted translation
Ratih Kesuma Ning Braja
ratih kesuma ning braja
Pitaloka Purwaningsih
pitaloka purwaningsih

Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.
Masih lugu masih bego masih gaptek
still innocent still stupid still gaptek
Like a virgin
like a virgin
Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.

Ingin ikutan ingin diaku
want to follow want to recognized
Maenin headset di kamarnya
playing headset in her room

Ratih online webcam connect
ratih online webcam connect
Mulai chatting sama Sohib
start chatting with her friend
Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.
Ngobrol sudah gosip sudah
enough talking enough gossip
Kini mulai hal pribadi
mow strat private thing
Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.
Sohib memuji dasternya Ratih
her friend commend ratih's negligee
Dan tanya warna di dalamnya
and ask color in inside

Ratih berdiri di depan kamera
ratih stand up in front of camera
Ikuti semua perintah Sohibnya
follow all commands of her friend
Walau malu dasterpun meluncur
even shy her negligee is sliding

Ratih bergaya like Asia Carrera
ratih style like asia carrera
Ke kiri dan kanan ke atas ke bawah
left and right to up and down
Lepas semua penutup di tubuhmu
undress all your body

Ratih kau norak
ratih you're shameless
Gak tahu Sohibnya brengsek
don't know your fucking friend
Besok kau pasti
tomorrow you will
Jadi most wanted di Youtube
be most wanted in yusub

Pagi hari Ratih sekolah
ratih school morning day
Harus pergi tanpa Sohib
must go without her friend

Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.
Sohib ijin nganter ortu
friend say take his parents
Ingin ngunjungin famili
want to visit his family

Aa. Aa.
aa. aa.
Di pintu gerbang Ratih disambut
in front of gate ratih welcomed
Lusinan orang berseragam
many uniformed people

Ratih meronta digiring petugas
ratih thrasing when herded by officer
Ditonton ratusan teman dan gurunya
saw hundred of her friends and theacers
Sampai masuk ke mobil patroli
until come in patrol car

Ratih menangis di kantor polisi
ratih crying in police station
Terus jerit-jerit dan gak lama pingsan
then scream and soon have fainting
Lihat film bugilnya sendiri
watchself her naked film

Ratih berdiri di depan kamera
ratih stand up in front of camera
Ikuti semua perintah Sohib nya
follow all commands of her friend
Walau malu dasterpun meluncur
even shy her negligee is sliding

Ratih bergaya like Asia Carrera
ratih style like asia carrera
Ke kiri dan kanan ke atas ke bawah
left and right to up and down
Lepas semua penutup di tubuhmu
undress all your body

Ratih kau norak
ratih you're shameless
Gak tahu Sohib nya brengsek
don't know your fucking friend
Besok kau pasti
tomorrow you will
Jadi most wanted di Youtube
be most wanted in yusub