Lia Clark Baile de Boneca english translation

Lia Clark Baile de Boneca song lyrics
Lia Clark Baile de Boneca translation
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta!
I'm ready!
Sarra, sarra, sarra, sarra
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Sarra na boneca
Twerk on this doll
Cê chega aqui no baile
You come here in club
Enfia pilha e ela berra (ai)
Put a battery and she screams (oh)
Sarra, sarra, sarra, sarra
Twerk, twerk, twerk, twerk
Sarra na boneca
Twerk on this doll
Cê chega aqui no baile
You come here in club
Enfia pilha e ela berra (ai)
Put a battery and she screams (oh)
Tô pronta
I'm ready!
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tem cheiro de morango
Smells like strawberry
Gosto de moranguinho
Tastes like little strawberry
Vem cá passar o dedo
Come here and give me your finger
Experimenta um pouquinho
Give a little try
Tem cheiro de morango
Smells like strawberry
Gosto de moranguinho
Tastes like little strawberry
Vem cá passar o dedo
Come here and give me your finger
Experimenta um pouquinho
Give a little try
Tô pronta
I'm ready!
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Tô pronta pro baile
I'm ready to the club
Pronta pro baile
Ready to the club
Chega bem na maldade
Come in real wickedness
E vem brincar comigo
And come play with me
Tô pronta, na caixa (ai)
I'm ready, in box (oh)
Toda perfumada
All perfumed
Esperando você vir pegar pra dar uma brincada
Waiting you come take to play
Tô pronta, na caixa (ai)
I'm ready, in box (oh)
Toda perfumada
All perfumed
Esperando você vir pegar pra dar uma brincada
Waiting you come take to play
Tô pronta, na caixa (ai)
I'm ready, in box (oh)
Toda perfumada
All perfumed
Esperando você vir pegar pra dar uma brincada
Waiting you come take to play
Tô pronta, na caixa (ai)
I'm ready, in box (oh)
Toda perfumada
All perfumed
Esperando você vir pegar pra dar uma brincada
Waiting you come take to play
Tô pronta!
I'm ready!