LISA Shirushi english translation

LISA Shirushi song lyrics
LISA Shirushi translation
街明かり照らした 賑やかな笑い声と 路地裏の足跡
The city lights shone on lively laughing voices and footprints in the alleys.
伝えたい想いは どれだけ届いたんだろう いつも振り向いて確かめる
How far did the feelings I wanted to tell you reach you, I wonder? I'm always looking back to verify this,

いつだって迷わず キミはきっとどんなボクも追いかけてくれるから
because you will without a doubt always come after me, whoever I am.

じっと見つめた キミの瞳に映ったボクが生きたシルシ
I find the signs that I have lived reflected in your eyes when I stare into them
何度も途切れそうな鼓動 強く強く鳴らした 今日を越えてみたいんだ
That palpitation which seems to falter beats stronger and stronger, as if it wants to live through today

手にした幸せを 失うことを恐れて 立ち止まっているより
I fear losing the happiness that I've obtained, and rather than be at a standstill,
一つ一つ大きな 出来るだけ多くの 笑顔咲かせようと たくらむ
I've thought of each way that I could possibly make your smile the largest I can

思い出す ボクらの 通り過ぎた日々がいつも輝いて見える様に
When I look back to our usual days in my thoughts, they always seem to glow.

ぎゅっと握った キミの温もりで 感じた ボクら繋いだ証
I felt with your warmth held by you tightly We passed the testimony
キミと今同じ速さで あの日描いた未来を 歩いている
I am walking the future I drew that day with you at the same speed now

How many wishes come true I want to spend time with you Kindly tomorrow immediately
次々にボクは きっとまた願ってしまうから
I will certainly hope again one after another

I will mercilly forget the time I am flowing
瞬きした一瞬の隙に キミの見せる全てを見落とさないように
Do not overlook everything you can show in the gap of blinking moments

じっと見つめた キミの瞳に映った ボクが生きたシルシ
I stared at you staring at you in my eyes It was my life Shirushi
何度も途切れそうな鼓動 強く強く鳴らした
Beating that seemed to be interrupted many times strongly strongly
Even if I can not go over today
I will never forget the days i spent with you