Malique Assalamualaikum english translation

Malique Assalamualaikum song lyrics
Malique Assalamualaikum translation
Assalamualaikum, dari jeneral
Assalamualaikum from the general

RAP, rythm and poetry
RAP, rhythm and poetry
Terjemahannya ritma atas puisi
Translated to 'ritma atas puisi'
Jurucakap institusi puisi
A poetry institution spokesperson
Berjasa pada semua macam pensil 2B
Servicing people like that 2B pencils
Otak kanan tekan tubi pena jadi deltoid
Right side of brain doing push up that turns writing into deltoid
Lagu minum protein rap suntik steroid
This song is like a protein drink, the rap is injecting steroid
Dua kati creatine aku android
Thousand grams of creatine I'm an android
Datang sesekali impak asteroid (boom)
Sometimes it feels like an asteroid impact (boom)
Aku kejam kuhilang kau rindu
I'm cruel to disappear on you and now you missed me
Lepas tampar mau cium satu minggu
After slapping feels like wants to kiss for a week
Jangan begitu jangan mengada
Don't be like that
Macam mana boleh rindu Mawi kan ada kan?
How can you miss me when Mawi is around right?

Realitinya ini 08
The reality, this is '08
Bintang realiti kujadikan sarapan
Reality stars became my breakfast
Makan lima mangkuk tanya, mana sarapanku?
Eat five bowls and asking where's my breakfast?
Makan lima mangkuk lagi, mana sarapanku?
Eat another five bowls and still asking where's my breakfast?
Aku lapar, ya mana musuh terkini?
I'm hungry, yeah where's my latest enemy?
Aku bakar terbalikkan di pasar macam mussolini
I'll burn them like what Mussolini doing it in the market
Mana kundalini? tak kunjung tiba
Where's kundalini? still not coming
Sakti jadi hiba tapi fokus
The magic is disappearing but I'm focusing
Chakra berputar-putar kejar titik lokus
The chakra floating around searching for locus points
Tafakur, asmara, semua posisi lotus
Meditating using all known lotus positions
Yup, best of both worlds I'm the dopest
Yup, best of both worlds I'm the dopest
Look into the mirror, yup yup you the closest
Look into the mirror, yup yup you the closest
I flip language like sandwich
I flip language like sandwich
Either side same phat shit like goddamn it
Either side same phat shit like goddamn it
And if you got a problem with me being malay dude
And if you got a problem with me being Malay dude
Lets take it back to 1511
Lets take it back to 1511
Ya, ya 1511
Yeah, yeah 1511
Jom bertikam lidah dengan hamba dalam aku
Let's debating words with the spirit inside of me
Aku pantang kalah, bangun bila jatuh
I never lose, get back up when I fall
Kalau patah sayap bertongkatkan paruh (shhh)
If these wings are broken, I use my beaks (shhh)
Ku punya teman yang punya teman
I got friends who got their friends
Yang boleh buat engkau hilang teman
That could make you lose friends
Jadi dari buat lawan, baik buat kawan
So rather than being enemy, it's better to be friendly
Dari bagi jari, baik angkat tangan
Rather than give a finger, it's better just to hold up your hand
Sepuluh jari ke atas macam kena tangkap
Ten fingers up to the air like you've been arrested
Kalau ingkar kupotong tujuh jadi pengakap
If you're disobeying I'll cut seven so you'll become like a boy scout
Ikan duri, gelama, senohong, siakap
All these types of fishes
Rapper penipu pembohong semua ku pap pap
All cheating and lying rappers i'll slap pap pap
Bukan terhandal, bukan terkuat
I'm not the best, not the strongest
Cuma terhandal dalam apa yang ku buat
Just the very best at what I'm doing
Jadi bila general berucap, sampai darah gusi
So when the general is talking until his gums bleeding
Tolong ceraikan buntut dari kerusi
Please separate your ass from the seat
Stand up

Assalamuailakum, dari jeneral
Assalamualaikum from the general