Manel L'espectre de María Antonieta english translation

Manel L'espectre de María Antonieta song lyrics
Manel L'espectre de María Antonieta translation
Clar que arriben dies on tothom li sembla imbècil i opta per callar.
Of course there are days when everyone seems stupid and she chooses to keep quiet.
Clar que si es concentra pot sentir perfums exòtics recorrent-li el braç.
Of course if she concentrates she can smell exotic perfume all across her arm.
Clar que es fa pesada amb els seus contes de carrosses que travessen prats.
Of course she's a bore with her stories about carriages crossing fields.
No goseu jutjar-la des dels vostres cossos momentàniament tan vius i sans!
Don't you dare judge her with your momentarily living, healthy bodies!

Que al tombant de vespre,
(Because) At the turn of dusk
quan el sol se'n va,
when the sun sets
Maria Antonieta
Marie Antoniette
surt a investigar.
comes out to investigate.
I travessa el trànsit
And she passes through traffic
i es cola allà on vol
and sneaks into wherever she wants
per fer por a nenes
to scare little girls
i a homes sense son.
and restless men.
I amb altres espectres
And with other specters
es riu dels mortals
laughs at mortals
asseguda en punxes
while sitting on the spines
de la catedral.
of the Cathedral.

I sobrevolant París desert es diu:
And flying over empty Paris she tells herself:
Maria, ets aquí, tan llesta com et penses i no veus com els records t'estan mentint,
"Marie, you're here, as clever as you think you are but unable to see how memories are lying to you!,
t'estan mentint!.
are lying to you!"
I es diu:
And she tells herself:
Maria, només tu saps com vas arribar a avorrir la vida a l'interior d'aquells jardins, d'aquells jardins!.
"Marie, only you know how you got to detest life inside those gardens!"