SanLuis Se Acabó english translation

Feat Chino & Nacho
SanLuis Se Acabó song lyrics
SanLuis Se Acabó translation
Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!
Ohh! Ohh! Ohh! Ohh!

Dejaste una sola pista
You left a unique clue
Tus labios en mi camisa
Your lips in my shirt
Indaga la policia
the police investigate
De amor y otras fantasías
Of love and other fantasy

Fracasa la detective
The detective fails
Que prueba que te incrimine
there is no evidence that incriminates you
Igual firmo mi renuncia al dorso de tu cintura
Anyway, I signed my resignation
Que triste que a la locura
How sad that the madness
A veces le encuentren cura
Sometimes they find him healing

Ay amor, Se acabó
Ay Love, it is over
Prefiero verte desde mi retrovisor
I'd rather see you from my rearview mirror
Me falló, la ecuación
I failed, the equation
Amar a dos le rompe a tres.
Loving two breaks three.
El corazón
The heart

Voy arrancar el problema por la raíz
I'm going to start the problem by the root
No quiero perder a la mujer que tengo por un desliz
I do noy want to lose the woman I have for a slip
A una persona herida siempre le queda la cicatriz
a wounded person always has the scar
Lo dice Chino y Nacho y SanLuis
Say it Chino and Nacho and SanLuis

Tu crimen no es lo que pintan
your crime is not painted
Tu crimen es tu sonrisa
your crime is your smile
Que brilla con tanta vida
that shines with so much life
Que opaca la luz del día
that dims the daylight

Mi crimen no fue quererte
my crime was not love you
Mi crimen fue conocerte
my crime was meet you
Lo otro añadidura
The other addition
Que viene con tu hermosura
What comes with your beauty
Que triste que a la locura...
How sad that the madness
A veces le encuentren cura
Sometimes they find him healing

Ay amor, Se acabó
Ay Love, it is over
Prefiero verte desde mi retrovisor
I'd rather see you from my rearview mirror
Me falló, la ecuación
I failed, the equation
Amar a dos le rompe a tres el corazón
love three hurts to three the heart

Ay amor, Se acabó
Ay Love, it is over
Celebremos el recuerdo que quedó
Let's celebrate the memory that was left
Aprendí, la lección
I learned the lesson
Amar a dos le rompe a tres...
Loving two breaks three.
El corazón
The heart

No sé quien tiene la culpa
I don't know who is at fault
Ni quien nos dio aquella idea
Nor who gave us that idea
Amar a dos no resulta
Loving two does not result
Por muy sabroso que sea
However tasty it may be

No sé quien tiene la culpa
I don't know who is at fault
Y antes que alguien nos vea
And before someone sees us
Hay que seguir otra ruta
we have to follow another way
Antes que suba la marea
Before the tide rises

Chino y Nacho baby
Chino and Nacho baby
Pero le metemos brutal
But we put him brutal
Que tal?
What's up?
Representando la bandera
Representing the flag
Un tricolor con sus estrellas
A tricolor with its stars
Ay amor, Se acabó
Ay Love, it is over
Celebremos el recuerdo que quedó
Let's celebrate the memory that was left
Aprendí, la lección
I learned the lesson
Amor a dos le rompe a tres...
Love two breaks three ...
El corazón
The heart
Se Acabó
It is over