Suara POWDER SNOW english translation

Suara POWDER SNOW song lyrics
Suara POWDER SNOW translation
粉雪が空から 優しく降りてくる
The powder snow gently come down from the sky
手のひらで受け止めた 雪が切ない
The snow I accepted in my hand was lonely
どこかで見てますか あなたは立ち止まり
Are you looking somewhere? You're standing still
思い出していますか 空を見上げながら
Are you remembering while looking at the sky?

To the you who walked so happily on the snow
私には本当に いとおしく見えた
I truly saw you so dear

今でも覚えている あの日見た雪の白さ
Even now, I still remember the white of the snow of that day
I will never forget the warmth of the lips I first touched (kissed)
I still love you.
I still love you.

粉雪が私に いくつも降りかかる
The powder snow falls down on me, year after year
暖かいあなたの 優しさに似ている
It reminds me of your warm kindness

Remembering you when you talked to me, looking as if you were having so much fun
Makes my heart yearn for you

今でも夢を見るの あの日見た白い世界
Even now, are you having a dream about that white world we saw on that day?
I will never forget the coldness of the fingertips I touched that time
I still love you.
I still love you.

今でも覚えている あの日見た雪の白さ
Even now, I still remember the white of the snow of that day
I will never forget the warmth of the lips I first touched (kissed)

粉雪のようなあなたは 汚れなく綺麗で
The powder snow is like you, flawless and beautiful
私もなりたいと雪に願う I still love you.
I want to become like that too, so I wish on the snow. I still love you