Suara 不安定な神様 english translation

Suara 不安定な神様 song lyrics
Suara 不安定な神様 translation
不安定な神様 繰り返す出会いと別れ
An unstable god... Repeating days... Love and parting...
また会えるその日まで 時かける旅人
You make your way through time as a traveler, Until the day we can meet again!
あなたが泣いている 流るる涙の雨
You're crying; A rain of flowing tears,
泣くなとは言わない 心かなしくて
But I won't tell you stop - My heart so sorrowful.

生きとし生けるもの 何かを背負いながら
As all who live, Bear the burden of something,
They're connected to one another by invisible chains.
I can't imagine how much I've been saved by you;

あどけない笑顔を なくしたくはない
I don't want to loose your innocent smile!
不安定な神様 繰り返す過去と未来
An unstable god, Through repeating pasts and futures,

Is born, only to be destined to die.

掛け違えた世界で 繰り返す出会いと別れ
Ending up in this world by mistake, Amid repeating days... meetings and partings...

また会えるその日まで 時かける旅人
You make your way through time as a traveler, Until the day we can meet again!
けがれのない心 黒く染めゆきながら
As your pure heart, Is stained in black,

抑えられなくて 解き放たれる
You let loose, unable to control it.
I wonder how many times I called out your name?
あどけない笑顔は もうどこにもない
That innocent smile is no longer anywhere to be found!
不安定な神様 引き継いだ夢と愛を
An unstable god, Fated to raise these inherited dreams and love,

And go forth protecting them.
掛け違えた世界で 探すたび引き裂かれても
Ending up in this world by mistake, Even if you're torn apart in your search,
また会えると信じて 時かける旅人
Make your way through time as a traveler, Believing that we'll meet again!
不安定な神様 繰り返す過去と未来
An unstable god, Through repeating pasts and futures,
Is born, only to be destined to die.
掛け違えた世界で 繰り返す出会いと別れ
Ending up in this world by mistake, Amid repeating days... meetings and partings...
また会えるその日まで 時かける旅人
You make your way through time as a traveler, Until the day we can meet again!
また会えるその日まで 時かける旅人
You make your way through time as a traveler, Until the day we can meet again!