れをる ミッドナイトストロウラ english translation

れをる ミッドナイトストロウラ song lyrics
れをる ミッドナイトストロウラ translation
星は輝き 感傷浸り
The stars are shining, flooding me in sentimentality
アイデンティティ ゆらりゆらり
Identity swaying
やっと手にした光 でもまだ足りない
I finally got the light, but it's not enough
こんなんじゃ照らせない 深い暗闇
I can't shine with just this in this deep darkness

回り道ばかり 辿り着けるの?
Can I find my way among all these wrong paths?
笑顔に陰り 押し潰されそう
Smiles are vanishing, like they're being crushed

手取り足取りじゃ意味無くて 乗り越える壁は誰の為
If you don't pay attention then there's no reason to it; for whom are you climbing this wall?
何ひとつできること無くて ただ待ってた キミの夜明け
There's not a thing I can do but wait for your daybreak

(Darkness made it stronger)
(Darkness made it stronger)

一体何がどこまで 作り話の境目
Just how far will this fake tale's boundary reach?
バレバレのデフォルメさえ 楽しんでるキミが好きで
Even if you spot the lies, I love you when you're having fun
実感の無い世界で 疎外感募らせて
In this world with no true feelings, alienation grows stronger
こんな繰り返しでさえ 満ちてるって感じさせて
Even if this keeps repeating, make me feel like I'm falling
Get me drunk off this dark night

星は見えない しんと静まり
I can't see the stars, silence falling quiet
不思議な気持ち クライクライ
A strange sensation, depressing
思い付かない まだ抜け出せない
I can't figure it out, I can't break free
Of this somehow comfortable darkness

It's like I'm being sucked up into this wide open sky
At this rate I feel like I'll melt away into nothing

嘘とか真実構わずに 世界を照らすような奇跡
Uncaring about things like truth and lies, a miracle that sparkles like the world
また魅せてくれると信じて ただ待ってた キミの夜明け
I'm sure that I'll be fooled by it again, but I wait for your daybreak

(Don't go away anymore)
(Don't go away anyore)

一体キミはどこまで 深いとこまで潜って
Just how far down into this darkness will you drown?
散々ハラハラさせて 楽しませるとかズルいね
It's making my heart race, making me have fun is so cruel
みっともない姿見せて それでもかっこつけて
Show me an indecent sight, but you'll still look great
どうしようもなく欲しくて 生きてるって感じさせて
There's nothing else I want to do, make me feel alive
Keep getting me drunk

晒すことにかまけて 隠す美学を忘れ
Busy yourself with the exposed parts, forget about the hidden aesthetics
堪え難い孤独の末 辿り着き手にした光だ
At the very end of unbearable loneliness is the light you so fought to obtain

挑むのにハマり過ぎて 独りよがり 度が増すだけだ
Even though it was hard you dove in headlong, so concieted, with only the number of tries increasing
きっと来るその時が 満ちる明けるはずだ
And that time which will surely come can only be full and bright
Shining bright and sparkling

一体どこまで繰り返して ただ無情に迷い惑い
Just how many more times will you repeat this, nothing but heartless hesitation and delusions
光を浴びまた始まり 虚しさ逃れられるなら
You've only just begun to shine in the light, and there's no running away

分け隔てなんて無くて 割り振られる光と影
There's no bias that divides light and shadow
仕組まれた世界でさえ 楽しむキミ眩し過ぎて
Even in a world planned out, when you're happy you're absolutely dazzling
憂いを眩ませて 行き先を照らして
Get lost in depression, the path out will shine bright
彷徨い続ける定め また望みを感じさせて
Fate continues to pace about, still sensing desires
奇跡の夜明け 信じさせて
Let me believe in the miraculous daybreak

惜しむまどろみ 向かう再び
An unwanted nap, once again turning towards
Strolling aimlessly in the pitch-black night
生まれるカタキ 常に見出だし
An enemy born, always finding me
Strolling aimlessly in the deep, pitch-black night