五月天 轉眼 english translation

五月天 轉眼 song lyrics
五月天 轉眼 translation
轉眼走到了 自傳最終章 已瀏覽所有 命運的風光
In a flash, we are on the final chapter. We've explored all memories of destiny
混濁的瞳孔 風乾的皮囊 也曾那般 花漾
Eyes cannot see clearly with a wrinkle skin, but it has been beauty ever

最愛的相片 讓你挑一張 千萬個片刻 誰在你身旁
Pick a best photo you love. Every moment and who on your side
那一年的我 曾和你一樣 飛揚
In that year I've been as brilliant as you ever

惶惶不安 念念不忘 還是得放開雙掌
Although you scared, although you missed. but I still need to unleash my hand away
掌心曾握著 誰的體溫 漸涼
Hands have held ever and whose body temperature keeps cold gradually

|有沒有人 在某個地方 等我重回 當初的模樣
Does who one else at there wait for me return to young?
|雙頰曾光滑 夜色曾沁涼 世界曾瘋狂 愛情曾綻放
The face be smoothly ever, the night has exuded nice and cool ever. The world has been crazy ever, the love has blossomed

|有沒有人 依偎我身旁 聽我傾訴 餘生的漫長
Does who one else lean close to me listening to me saying how long a history of mine
|在你的眼中 我似乎健忘 因為我腦海 已有最難忘 最難遺忘
In your eyes, I seem like forgetful because I have haven unforgettable things in my mind, which is difficult to forgotten

在我的時代 還有唱片行 如同博物館 裝滿了希望
There are video stories here in my era which likes a museum and full of hopes
披頭與槍花 愛情和憂傷 永遠驕傲 高唱
The Beatles and Gun N' Rose. Love and depression always sing for proud forever

成就如沙堡 生命如海浪 浪花會掏盡 所有的幻象
Achievements like a sand castle and life likes waves, the waves will wash over all illusory of mine
存款與樓房 掙扎與渴望 散場
Deposits and buildings, struggling and desiring, let it be over

回憶如窗 冷淚盈眶 風景模糊如天堂
Memories likes a window, and eyes brimming with tears. The scene fuzzy seems like a heaven
孤單的大床 誰貼近我 臉龐
The lonely bed and who press close to my face?

|有沒有人 也笑憶過往 跌跌撞撞 當時的蠢樣
Does who one else also recalls memories with smile? Recalling the stupid myself at that time
|最平凡日子 最卑微夢想 何時才發現 最值得珍藏
The most ordinary daily. The most simple dreams. Whenever I discover it's worth to collect most

|有沒有人 告訴我真相 時間就是 最巨大的謊
Does who one else tells me the truth? The time is the biggest falsehood
|以為的日常 原來是無常 生命的具象 原來 只是 幻象
I thought that it is regular but it is impermanence originally. The concrete of life but it is just an illusion originally

|這是我自傳 最終章 寫這首長詩 用一生時光
This is the final chapter of my story that using my whole life to finish this poet
|軀殼會解脫 藥罐和空房 我從嬰兒床 再走回光芒
The body may leave the medicine and the ward away. I return to the ray from the infanette

|有沒有人 知道某種秘方 不必永生 只要回憶不忘
Does who one else knows some ways? Doesn't need an eternal life but just need memories be unforgettably
|我不怕死亡 只害怕遺忘 回憶是你我 生存的地方
I don't afraid dying but be forgotten. Memories is the place of we exist

|有沒有人 知道那個地方 我能回到 我的最愛身旁
Does who one else knows that place? That I can return back with my love
|兒孫們都忙 就讓他們忙 離開的時候 就當我飛翔
Sons are busy and let them busy. When I leave. Let me as flying

Flying for freedom