林俊傑 只對你有感覺 english translation

林俊傑 只對你有感覺 song lyrics
林俊傑 只對你有感覺 translation
無解的眼神 心像海底針
A gaze beyond comprehension, an unattainable heart
光是猜測 我食慾不振
The guessing makes me lose my appetite
有點煩人 又有點迷人
A little frustrating, yet enchanting

浪漫沒天份 反應夠遲鈍
No talent in romance, reacting too slow
不夠謹慎 花挑錯顏色
Not careful enough, picked the wrong coloured flower
但很矛盾 喜歡你的笨
It's contradictory but I like your stupidity

微笑 再美 再甜 不是妳的 都不特別
A smile, however pretty or sweet, is not special if it's not yours
眼淚 再苦 再鹹 有你安慰 又是晴天
Tears, however bitter or salty, will turn to clear skies with your comfort
靠的 再近 再貼 少了擁抱 就算太遠
The distance is too great if we are not in an embrace
In this world, you are the only one I have feelings for

玩的 再瘋 再野 妳瞪一眼 我就收斂
However crazy or wild my fun is, I will restrain myself if she gives a single glare
馬路 再寬 再遠 只要你牽 就很安全
A road, however wide, however far, as long, is only safe if you are leading
我會 又乖 又黏 溫柔體貼 絕不敷衍
I will be obedient, clingy, gentle, caring and never indifferent
I only have feelings for you

體貼卻黏人 愛哭卻溫順
Caring yet clingy, loves to cry but meek
有時天真 有時很邪惡
Sometimes innocent, other times evil
對妳耍狠 就是捨不得
I can't bear to feign fierceness with you

請吸收養分 讓腦袋平衡
Take in more nutrients to balance the mind
要你現身 動作慢吞吞
When I want you to come, you move slowly
怎麼承認 我非你不可
How do I admit that I will only have you

微笑 再美 再甜 不是妳的 都不特別
A smile, however pretty or sweet, is not special if it's not yours
眼淚 再苦 再鹹 有你安慰 又是晴天
Tears, however bitter or salty, will turn to clear skies with your comfort
靠的 再近 再貼 少了擁抱 就算太遠
The distance is too great if we are not in an embrace
In this world, you are the only one I have feelings for

玩的 再瘋 再野 妳瞪一眼 我就收斂
However crazy or wild my fun is, I will restrain myself if she gives a single glare
馬路 再寬 再遠 只要你牽 就很安全
A road, however wide, however far, as long, is only safe if you are leading
我會 又乖 又黏 溫柔體貼 絕不敷衍
I will be obedient, clingy, gentle, caring and never indifferent
I only have feelings for you

微笑 再美 再甜 不是妳的 都不特別
A smile, however pretty or sweet, is not special if it's not yours
眼淚 再苦 再鹹 有你安慰 又是晴天
Tears, however bitter or salty, will turn to clear skies with your comfort
靠的 再近 再貼 少了擁抱 就算太遠
The distance is too great if we are not in an embrace
In this world, you are the only one I have feelings for

玩的 再瘋 再野 妳瞪一眼 我就收斂
However crazy or wild my fun is, I will restrain myself if she gives a single glare
馬路 再寬 再遠 只要你牽 就很安全
A road, however wide, however far, as long, is only safe if you are leading
我會 又乖 又黏 溫柔體貼 絕不敷衍
I will be obedient, clingy, gentle, caring and never indifferent
I only have feelings for you
I only have feelings for you